42 | Cyber Sex

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Beverly's POV:

News flash, we didn't stay an hour at the party.

Currently, I was being carried up the stairs as me and Anthony devoured each other's mouths.

He kicked the door open with his leg as he immediately sat me down on the ground.

He shut the door behind him as he ran right back to me and gave me a quick kiss before turning me around as he removed all my clothing.

And I removed all of his.

It didn't even take another 2 minutes, before I was on my back and he was inside me, Pumping faster and faster with each thrust causing me to scream and yell his name until we finally found a release.

He groaned out, as with one last scream we both relaxed into one another bodies.

And with one more quick peck of a kiss and a few pants, he finally got enough breaths to speak.

"Marry me." He whispered.

I couldn't help but chuckle.

"We are already engaged idiot."

He shook his head. "No. I mean it this time. I want to marry you for love. I want you to be my wife."

My eyes glanced at him as I couldn't help but smile, as my heart did a back flip.

"Yes." I said as I kissed him back with so much urgency and demand.

I felt him smile against my lips, as he them led me to round after round.

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