9 | Calling Out

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Beverly's POV:

As I stood in front of this mirror, nothing except my bra and underwear, I sobbed.

I look at my body in the mirror as I see all of the bruises and scratches. And some permanent scars that have been left on my thigh.

I feel the tears rush down my cheek, as I quickly slammed my palms on my mouth to stop from crying out loud.

Because one whimper, and I am done. All of that pain will be released into the world.

But I don't want anyone to hear me. So I keep my hands pressed onto my lips as I squeeze my eyes shut.

I can not even count how many times he has hurt me. Their is to many to name.

He has never raped me. Thank God. But God damn it sure looked like it.

I slowly opened my eyes and dropped my mouth as my expression began to change.

My features began to soften, and my eyes began to droop down.

I began to feel numb.

I should be used to this by now. I had a shitty life and then got a horrible fiance.

Just what I needed.

All of a sudden, I hear a rattling on the doorknob before I squeal just a little bit and jump.

"Beverly. Open this door now." I hear Anthony yelling from the other side.

I rolled my eyes before running over to my bed and pulling on my robe.

The rattling and banging on the door continued as I growled.

"Hold on." I said angrily.

I held the robe in one hand as I ran over to the door and unlocked the door.

I stepped back as fast as I could before the door slammed open, making me jump again.

"What the hell, Anthony! I was getting changed, you asshole. Have you ever heard of privacy?"

His face was lit up with anger, as I could see almost fear his eyes.

He stepped into my room as he shut the door behind him.

"Show me." He all the sudden said.

My eyebrows furrowed as I quivered my lip. I was bewildered by his question. Show me? Show you what?

"What are you talking about?" I said.

His hand reached out as he grabbed my wrist. Tightly.

"Show. Me." He said quietly.

I looked up slowly as I noticed his eyes were fixed onto mine.

I felt my lips part slightly, as I couldn't help but wonder what it would have been like if we hadn't gotten even closer in that kitchen. Just pecked each others lips. Just to feel some sort of sensation through my body.

But when he said 'Show me' twice. I immediately knew. Deep down, what he was talking about.

I looked down at the ground as I felt the tears begin to appear again.

Keep it together, Beverly. Keep it together.

I felt a finger trickle below my chin before he slightly pushed my chin up.

Forcing me to look at him.

His eyes weren't filled with anger and madness anymore. They seemed to dim down and soften.

His other thumb traveled up my cheeks slightly as he swiped the tear coming from my eye as fast as I could blink. 

I gulped before, feeling my lungs begin to expand.

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