20 | Give Me The Paper

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Anthony's POV:

I am sitting in my office, Nikolai, sitting across from me as he tries and explains the file he found on Earl.

And my god, have I waited for this.

I have fucking waited for this for a month. Honestly more, but. It only means so much because I am getting married in less than 6 months.

But. What troubled me was Nikolai's face.

"What." I asked.

He sighed before crossing his legs.

"Your not going to like this." He said.

Oh God. Here we fucking go with him.

"But. We found something on Earl."

I shook my head as I narrowed my eyes. "Why wouldn't I like that?" I replied puzzled.

"Because." He began to say. "We don't have the proof to prove it yet."

I covered my hand across my face as I felt anger and frustration began to rise. "What the fuck do you mean you don't have the information yet?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "I know what happened. But for this to work, we need documents to prove it. And unfortunately we need 5 papers, and they are all spread out in different locations."

I ran my fingers through my hair. "What did he do?" I asked.

He quivered his lip as he hesitation ran through his veins.

"Remember when I gave you a file on Beverly, and it showed all the times she was hospitalized and all the surgeries she went through and how all of them didn't have a thorough reason for why she was their."

I nodded slightly. Afraid that he was going to say the one thing I have been fearing this whole time.

"Well. We found papers, that actually show the reasons why she was their. And my god Anthony. You don't even want to see them."

"What the fuck did he do to her Nikolai?"

"I can't-' He began to say.

But before he could finish, I slammed my hands down on the table as I stared into his eyes.

He jumped slightly.

"What. The. Fuck did he do to her."

He sighed before sitting up and setting his elbows on his head.

"He. Did a lot Anthony. More than I thought that sick man was capable of."

I sighed before sitting back in my chair. God i cannot even imagine what she went through over their at that hellhouse.

No wonder she was so nice to me when we first met. And now. It's because she didn't want to go back.

"Just tell me." I said in a angry tone.

"He broke 2 ribs, he broke her jaw, broke a leg, broke her arm twice, wrist once, and busted her lip open God knows how many times."

I tightened my hand in a fist so fucking hard I thought I was going to draw blood.

If I wasn't so crazy about blackmailing this son of a bitch. I would be in my car driving my way to his house and beating the living shit out of him.

I felt the heat began to rise in my veins and the blood beginning to pump my heart faster.

"She has been through more than that. But that's all I know right now. And once I get the five documents that can prove that. We can blackmail him, and tell him if he doesn't let you out of the deal. You will post that all over the tabloids and make sure that it ruins him and his family life for good. And boom. You will be the next Mafia Leader in the Brown's family."

I didn't respond to him. I couldn't.

All I wanted to do was grab that vase sitting on the desk and slam it against the wall.

I am pissed. And not pissed for the right reasons.

I should be mad that it's going to take a while to get these stupid documents.

But no. I am furious because of how she has been treated for over 10 fucking years.

She probably spent more time in the hospital than she did at her own house.

And to be honest, the hospital was probably better than the fucking pig pin anyways.

I gulped, before slowly releasing my fists. Letting all the tension slowly fall away.

"I am sorry man. I wish I could get these documents sooner. But he has 5 different houses. So he was pretty clever to spread them out."

I nodded before standing up.

Setting my hands upon the wooden top.

"Find. Those documents Nikolai. I don't care how long it takes. I am taking this asshole down for good. I can't let his family into mine."

He narrowed his eyes at me before standing up with me.

"Don't destroy her Anthony. She has to good of a soul to diminish."

I stared into his eyes. But said nothing.

Nikolai immediately turned towards the door as he walked out, shutting the door behind him.

I sat back down in my chair, as I stared out of the window.

But that's the thing, if I do go through with this blackmail. It will ruin her family.

It will ruin everything good about them.

And that includes Beverly.

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