21 | Compliments

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Beverly's POV:

I sat in my room, with a pair of sweatpants on and a baggy t-shirt as I was catching up on one of my favorite t.v shows, "Gilmore Girls."

My head was propped against my hand as I grabbed a big handful of popcorn and shoved it in my mouth.

Until my door burst open. Almost making me spill the popcorn.

I jumped up slightly as I scoffed.

I looked ahead of me to find Anthony standing their with a smile.

"You fucking idiot. I almost spilled my popcorn!"

He rolled his eyes as he walked over to my t.v and turned it off.

I immediately stood up and walked over to him. "What the hell! Why did you do that?!"

His face gave me a serious glare, as I eyed him. "What Brown? It's my day off, can we not?"

He shook his head. "No. Because we have plans tonight."

I raised my eyebrow and laughed. "Who's we? My day is consiting of snacks and Gilmore Girls. Not Bad boys and shit."

He chuckled slightly. "You think I'm a bad boy?" He said as a cheeky smile came upon his face.

I rolled my eyes. "Don't get cocky now. Simply meant that as a comparison."

He cleared his throat before glaring at me. "I came in here to tell you we are going to a masquerade party tonight. And before you ask, yes. I have to go, which includes you."

I rolled my eyes and growled. "Fine. I will go. But tomorrow. I am not doing jack shit. I an laying in bed and watching Gilmore Girls all day."

He side eyed me before exiting my room. "Yeah whatever."

I couldn't help but smile after he left.

Something felt different about him. He felt like he had softened a little bit. Like he wasn't such a grumpy old person. Like he actually had a heart.


Finally, after 3 hours of getting ready. I finally felt good enough to be seen at this party. 

I wore a long silk, black gown that had a bit of a train along with some poof.

My iconic slit ran up the side of my leg, as I did a princess braid for my hair.

My makeup was extremely minimal, as I paired it with a smokey eye.

My heels were black, as I felt like they made me at least 2 feet taller.

Soon, I was grabbing the door knob and twisting it.

When it opened, I shut the door behind me and took a deep breath before heading towards the steps.

Once I made it, I was immediately stopped by Anthony standing at the bottom of them.

He was fixing the cuffs on his tux before he heard my heels clack on the tile.

His head darted up towards me, as his face immediately stilled.

His eyes stared into mine with what looked like a sense of care.

His whole body language changed, as I never saw him look at me like that.

The way his pupils dilated, the way he gulped, the way his forehead wrinkles went away.

And the way his jaw sculpted back.

I gave him a bright smile before I placed a hand on the rail as I glided my way down to him.

Our eyes stayed locked on one another, but the tension increased as I got one step closer to him.

My train followed me down the steps, as I couldn't help but lick the tiniest bit of my red lipstick off.

I finally reached the bottom of the steps as he placed his hand out in front of me.

I immediately smirked at him as I placed my hand in his grasp.

He brought it up to his lips as he gently and slowly kissed the top of it.

The way his lips felt upon my hand made me think what they would feel like all over my body.

I brought my arm back down to my side as our eyes.


Stared into one another. Gathering every last thought and memory from one another.

"Ms. Jackson." He began to say.

His eyes looked me up and down.

"You look absolutely stunning."

I smiled at him. "You do look pretty handsome yourself, Brown."

He gave me a small smirk before holding out something. 

I looked down at his hands to find a black mask.

It was covered in tiny diamonds and filled with black lace.

"Oh my God, Anthony. It's goregous."

He nodded. "Well. You needed a mask. And this one, for some reason, reminded me of you."

I gave him a small grin before he gestured me to turn around.

I did as I felt the fabric hit my face as it covered half of my face.

He began to tie it the back, and once he was done. I felt a hand graze on my elbow gently as he turned me back around.

I felt tingles and some sort of sensation run through my veins as he touched me again.

It reminded me of when he kissed me in that room last night. And here we are. I'm going to yet another party.

I blinked a few times before responding.

"Um. Thank you."

He nodded before giving me one more smirk.

God. How I loved that smirk that he did.

It was like some sort of calling.

Like some sort of signal.


Kiss me.

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