30 | The Moon & The Stars

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Beverly's POV:

I began to move my lips against his as I wrapped my arms around his torso, pulling him even closer to me.

I felt his hardness poke through his dress pants, as I almost moaned at the feeling against my shorts.

Just some thin material separating us from being thrilled.

His head continued to move with mine as his hands slowly moved down to my neck,

He stopped kissing me as he looked into my eyes.

Both of our breaths consuming the space.

"What?" I asked.

"Are you sure? I don't want to hurt you."

I gave him a small smile. Before nodding. "I want you Anthony."

He smirked as he pressed his lips to mine once more.

This time with more dominance and demand.

His fingers began to trickle up and down my body, with every glide a stroke he made want to collapse even more.

I moved my hands to the back of his head as my fingers began to lace through his brown locks.

His lips felt so soft against mine, as the wetness of them petruded to mine.

God. I have wanted this for so long.

I have wanted him to touch me like this and kiss me like this ever since I first saw him in his office.

I remembered how he looked exactly.

I remembered everything thing about him because that's how much I have longed for him.

His tongue hit my bottom lip, asking for entrance.

And of course I obeyed.

I opened my mouth wide as our tongues connected with one another.

He tasted just like how I imagined, a husky and dark taste. But I fucking loved it.

His fingers made his way to my shirt as he began to pull up.

Our lips disconnected, as our eyes on the other hand didn't lose sight of one another's.

His eyes glared at me in a way that I have seen before.

Hell, I have seen multiple times.

My shirt slid up my body as it soon was thrown on the floor, along with all of our other clothing that I was sure would be next.

I was left in a white lace bra as his eyes finally left mine to admire my breasts.

"Fuck Mia Amore."

I smirked at him as he leaned in once more, giving me a quick peck on the lips before he began to unbutton his shirt.

My hands soon helped, as his shirt slid off next.

The warmth of his skin almost felt like Lava under my hands as they began to examine his chest.

His six pack shined through as my eyes couldn't help but explore him and we weren't even fully undressed.

My fingers trailed down his arms, to his biceps as my touch was so gentle a and so light.

I looked back up at Anthony as his eyes closed slowly.

"Do you want me as much as I want you?" I whispered.

He opened his eyes once more, as moved his hands to my cheeks.

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