17 | A Secret Kiss

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☆• A/N •☆

Well. Here we are, everyone. I am finally writing an author's note. I am so happy about how this book is going, and I hope you all are too! But, for this chapter. I HIGHLY recommend. That you listen to some of the songs listed in the Prologue, including Only by RX, OR Bom Bidi Bom by Nick Jonas :) Anyway, enjoy!


Beverly's POV:

Well, apparently Enzo's mother, Rosaline, is throwing me and him an engagement party. And like half of the Mafia party will be their. Including my parents.

A sense of worry and anxiousness filled my chest as I thought about being in my father's presence again.

A small part of me thought I would never have to see him again. But obviously, I got way too ahead of myself.

I was excited to see my mother, though. I missed her gentle smiles and warm hugs that always made me feel better after a beating with my father.

I talked to Anthony for the first time in a week. Like, an actual conversation. And let's just say he is not very happy about the party but if we want to act like we are this perfect couple. We have to do things couples would do. Including holding hands, kissing one another on the cheek, etc.

And to be honest, those things scare the hell out of me.

Being in his presence alone is terrifying, let alone almost impossible.

And now that we have to actually touch one another, it makes everything so much worse.


After a few hours, our whole house was packed.

Packed with so many people I couldn't even count. 

I decided to wear a strapless red dress that went all the way to my feet, but their was a slit on the side of my leg that ran all the way up to my thigh.

My hair was in curls, as I had my signature bright red lip on.

Anthony had his usual black and white tux on, as we walked around, arm in arm, greeting people and thanking them for coming.

And of course, they wanted to see the ring.

I would show them, of course. But a sense of unhappiness every time I showed the ring creeped into my skin.

After about the 50th person, we walked away as I sighed. "God. If I have to show one more person this ring, I think I am going to puke."

A small smirk came on the corner of Anthony's face. "Well, we don't want that. So keep it up. you're doing great."

"Yes, doing great." I said in a sarcastic tone.

I got one more smile from him before I felt a tap on my shoulder.

Causing me and Anthony and me to turn around.

Oh no.

"Well, hello!" My father said.

My mother and father were in the same stance as we were, as they both greeted us with smiles.

A small sense of worry covered my face as I gripped onto Anthony's shirt tighter, practically digging my fingernails into his jacket.

I think he could notice I didn't want to be here because he cleared his throat before answering. "Mr. And Mrs. Jackson, it was such a pleasure to make your acquaintance again."

My mother gave him a small nod, as my father responded to her. Dick.

"Pleasure is all mine. We were just happy to receive the good news in the mail."

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