13 | Tension is Burning

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Beverly's POV:

Well. Just my luck. I get embarrassed on the first day of training by my so-called fiance.

He goes and tries to kill someone on our second day of knowing one another.

All though, I appreciated him acting like he cared for me. He didn't have to do that. And I am not even sure if I wanted him to. Just because I would have made them pay in the long run. And that would have been more fun.

Soon, both me and Anthony got in the car as the silence filled the backseat.

Neither of us said a word as we both stared out the window.

Finally, after about 15 minutes, he broke the silence with a knife.

"Their is a ring for you on the nightstand. I would suggest you start wearing it so we can actually fall through with our plan on acting like an engaged couple."

I turned my head to face him as his was still looking out the window. His face stiff as a board, and his jaw is filled with tension.

I sighed. "Sure." I replied.

And once again, the silence crept back in.


I am standing in front of the mirror, looking at myself in this dress.

It was a skin-tight dress that was in my favorite color lilac. It was a long sleeve dress that I paired with white heels. 

Along with that, a pearl necklace dangled down my neck with my hair and makeup in its natural form.

I was nervous to meet his family. I mean, every fiance is, but the thing is. Is that we don't even want this marriage. And we have to act like we do.

Which makes things a lot harder.

I eyed myself one more time, looking myself up and down, making sure I looked ok.

I covered up all my bruises as best as I could. And I made sure to wear sleeves, so I don't cause another incident like yesterday.

Hopefully, these bruises will go away in a few days.

I took a couple of deep breaths before walking to my door and twisting the knob.

And before I could take a step, a tall body caught me.

I blinked fast before realizing Anthony was standing right outside my door.

His knuckle looked like he was about to either knock someone out or knock on my door

And I really hope it was the second one.

"Mr. Brown. I didn't expect you to be standing in front of my door."

He put his arms down his side as I looked down and noticed just how handsome he looked.

His tux compliments his brown eyes so well, as the shine of them made me forget where I was for a second.

And I didn't even realize. Just how close we were to each other.

My back arched slightly at the thought of his fingers running down my spine. And his gentle or rough touch rubbing all down body. Holy fuck.

I immediately shook that the thought out of my head, as I focused back on his eyes and realized he was looking me down. Sending a chill down my veins.

"You look beautiful Mia Amore." He said gently.

I slowly shut the door behind me, causing my back to lay against it.

His body arched with mine, as I found ourselves curled up in this corner.

The tension between our bodies made this door feel like a bed. I kind of wish it was.

"I could say the same for you." I replied.

A small cheeky smile came upon his face. "Are you calling me beautiful?"

I parted my pink lips as I felt his body leaning in.

His hands went on other sides of the door, as they made me stay in place.

Those devil eyes on the other hand, stayed locked center on me. Like he was so determined to find treasure.

His head dipped slowly towards mine as our lips were so close to connecting.

I looked down at his, and then back up at him for a second.

I bit my bottom lip down so hard I almost could taste blood.

"What are you doing?" He whispered gently.

His Whispers running through me like water.

I closed my eyes as I felt the fear come through.

"What am I doing? What are you doing?" I whispered back.

A small growl came from him. "I promised myself I wouldn't fall in love with you. And I intend to keep that fucking promise."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "We are not in love Anthony. This is simply, a small kiss possibly. People do that sometimes. Friends do to when they want to." I said with a small chuckle.

His stance didn't change before he slowly, bent forward and whispered into my ear.

"Yes. But if I kiss you. I will allow myself to break apart for you. And I will not do that like my father."

Everything in my immediately triggered as within a blimp.

He backed away, and rubbed his mouth with his hands.

"I have to go downstairs. I will meet you down their." He said as he walked down the steps.

I sighed before covering my eyes with my hands.

What the hell was that? And why did I  WANT to kiss Anthony?

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