♡ Epilogue ♡

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Beverly's POV:


The waves crashed down, one after another as I lay here on the same sun beach chairs me and Anthony laid on two years ago.

But unlike the last time, we are now married.

We have been for almost a year and a half, to be exact.

Anthony laid beside me with his sunglasses on as she started into my eyes.

"What?" I said with a smile.

"Not being mean, but did you grow overnight?"

I couldn't help but chuckle as I looked down at my now pregnant belly.

"I don't know, probably. 5 months today, babe."

"Damn. It's already been five months. The little man is growing fast." He said as he reached over and placed his hand on my stomach.

He immediately stood up as his eyes glanced over to the water.

"I am going to go swim. Wanna join me?"

I laughed sarcastically. "Yeah, with this belly, I think I will stay here."

He rolled his eyes.  "Ok. I will be back."

Soon, he was diving into the water and began to stand up and dive in the waves, causing me to smile.

The sun shined brightly on us.

On Me and our boy.

I placed both hands on my stomach as I began to rub.

I looked up at the sky, wondering if my dad was up their or if it was in the bottom of the sand pit.

And to be honest, I am fine with either.

My dad and mom were killed by a mob that robbed their house about a year ago. Apparently, the council was not having what they did to me due to him ruining their government that they either hired people or did it themselves.

And they were killed in cold blood.

A part of me did feel bad.

A part of me felt sympathy for them.

But another part of me felt nothing at all.

My parents almost killed the spirit in me, and luckily, I found the right person to revive it.

Marriage is fucking hard don't get me wrong, but me and Anthony always found a way to get through it, and now here we are. About to have our first son together and I couldn't be more excited.

Soon, Anthony came in as the sun began to set revealing a orange and red colors in the sky.

Both of us sat side by side on the sand as we watched the sun and the ocean and didn't say a word.

I laid my head on his shoulder, as he his head laid on top of my head.

I slowly moved hands to his as our fingers interwined.

I glanced up at him as he smirked back down at me.

Leaving us with a small kiss on the forehead.

And as the sun set, and the moon rised.

I learned that not all marriages have a simple love story. I mean ours didn't. In fact it was extraordinary.

But it was the Binding of Love that brought me and Anthony together.

And now we can raise our baby in the right way, with no mafia gangs, and no war.

We were finally free and ready to live out our lives, and learn more about Binding Love and how it got us here.

Because after all, not everyone's love story is simple.


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