38 | Worry Or Regret

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Anthony's POV:

I looked at the man in front of me with disgust and dishonor.

He was not an honorable man.

"If you don't care about my daughter, then why are you here. Yelling at me. You could have killed me, and yet you have become soft just like your father -"

And before he could even say his last word, my fist immediately hit his fave as he fell straight down to the ground.

"Come on now! I thought YOU would have put up more of a fight." I said as I threw my hands in the air.

A frown came above his face as he wiped the blood off his lip.

I immediately reached down and grabbed his collar, pulling him to me closer, glaring at him with dominance.

"Oh. And don't think for a second that I don't care about your daughter. Hell, someone has to, since the only thing you could give her was trauma." I said as I threw him back to the ground.

I turned around and walked around to my desk as I took a seat.

"Put it this way, Mr. Jackson, I am letting you off the hook here. Because you are right, I do want to kill you. I want to see your brains spilled all over this fine carpet. But. If their is one thing I have learned from your daughter, it is kindness. And she is very kind but you wouldn't know that because you beat her every chance you got."

He gulped as he finally stood up, his presence still.

"And I will let you off the hook. But here is my deal. The video stands. It's not going anywhere. You deserve to lose your job and be killed by anyone else who wants to do the job. And you will never see Beverly or hurt her again. Do you hear me? And if you come close to her, I WILL kill you. And that's a guarantee."

His eyes narrowed slightly. "Don't say I didn't warn you, Brown."

A small smirk came upon my face as he exited my office, slamming the door behind him.

I felt my smile begin to drop as his presence was no longer in my office.


Beverly's POV:

I soon arrived at the house, as I immediately ran upstairs, not even wasting my time to say hi to Madeline.

Instead, I immediately ran to my room and grabbed a suitcase as I put it at the edge of my bed.

I walked into my closet and my bathroom as I immediately started to fill it with all my belongings.

My cheeks were swollen, and so were my under eyes.

I couldn't help but think of the words Anthony said to him.

"I don't care about her."

I should have known.

I should have warned myself that he was only marrying me so he could become a mafia boss.

I should have known that another bad person was going to come into my life and burn it with one flame at a time.

After I put everything inside my suitcase, I immediately sat it on the floor and began to treck it downstairs.

I finally reached the bottom of the steps, as I was startled by a sound of breaking glass.

I immediately wiped the tears from my cheeks as I walked into the kitchen where the sound was coming from.

"Madeline?" I called out.

No answer.

I opened the door as I took a step inside.

A hand immediately grabbed onto me and pulled me into them.

"Shhhh." The figure said.

I looked down at the man, had a knife pressed against my throat, ready to swipe, and end my life.

His other wrapped around my waist.

My whimpers started once again.

"Don't be scared. I won't hurt you as long as you do exactly what I say."

I nodded, ready to die.


Anthony's POV:

I stood up and stretched as I couldn't help but smile.

I was finally free of Earl Jackson and was already one step closer to becoming a mafia leader.

The excitement in me was overjoyed.

I walked to my office door and opened it as I stepped out onto the lobby.

I walked up to the front desk and immediately eyed the lunch that sat right next to my assistant.

"Wow, Andy. Who is the lucky man that got you lunch." I said as I leaned my arm on the counter.

She eyed me carefully as she looked confused. "This isn't for me, sir. This is for you?"

My eyebrows narrowed. "I am confused."

She sighed. "Mr. Brown, Ms. Jackson came by and dropped this off. She looked pretty sad when she left."

Everything in me dropped, including my heart, as my eyes widened.

"Is everything ok?" Andy asked.

I shook my head.

"Clear my schedule and call a car immediately." I said as I began to run to the elevator.

I prayed to God that she was still at the house.

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