26 | Don't Leave

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Anthony's POV:

She suddenly dropped to the floor as I followed right behind her.

I grabbed the back of her head as I brought her into my lap.

Panic began to set in as I was so relieved I found her.

Thank God she still had her apple watch on her. If not, she would have been dead.

Her wound was so bad that I had to do something.

I pressed my hands to it to stop the bleeding as her eyes began to fall.

No no no no.

She can not leave me.

I just found her.

"Beverly. Bev. Look at me." I said as I grabbed the sides of her face.

Her lips parted as her eyes were swollen and shut.

She was not responding.

"Help!! I need to get her to a hospital!" I said as I picked her up as I began to run to a truck outside.

Her legs dangled from me as I held her limp body in my arms.

This was the closest she had ever been to me, and honestly, I loved feeling her against my chest. It felt like home. But obviously, on different circumstances.

Nikolai's crew picked her up from my arms as they carried her onto a medic bed and loaded her up into a van.

"Where will she be at?" I asked, putting my hands at the back of my head.

"Home. We have all the supplies we need. She will be at home."

I nodded as the doors shut, and the van quickly went out of vision.

I turned around, and Nikolai was standing their with the same amount of panic on his face as mine.

"Is she going to be ok?" He asked.

I began to pace as I felt fear hit me in the chest like a bullet.

"She better be."

Nikolai sighed. "We couldn't catch the guy. He fled the scene. But don't worry. We will get him. I can promise you that."

I glared back at Nikolai as he stared me down. "To be honest, Nikolai, that should be the number one thing on my mind. But it's not. All I want to know is if she is alright."


I soon arrived at the house as Madeline sat on the couch with a bunch of tissues in her hand, sniffling as I could tell she had been crying.

I sped and walked over to her as I sat next to her.

Her gaze looked up at mine.

"Is she ok?" I asked.

She shrugged her shoulders. "God, I hope so. They said they almost had to give her CPR Anthony."

I squeezed my eyes shut as I shook my head.

I can not even imagine what it would be like if she wasn't here. And to be honest, I don't want to know.

She scooted closer to me as she pressed her hands against mine.

Her thumb massaged it.

I looked up at her as she stared at me.

"Why are you so against being in love?" She asked.

I sighed. "I am not against it. I just don't like the idea of it."

Her eyes narrowed slightly as she shook her head.

"But why? Love is the most amazing thing anyone could ever experience."

I scoffed. "Yeah. That sure was the best experience with my father."

She rolled her eyes as she sat up and began to walk away.

My eyes watched her as she began to get closer and closer to the kitchen doors.

"No." She said as she all a sudden stopped and turned back around.

"I have put up with you whine and grown about your father for long enough. I am putting the foot down."

I tilted my head to the side as I looked at her bewildered by what she had just said.

"Excuse me?" I said, walking over to her.

"You heard me." She said, pointing in her finger at me.




Began to run deep in my veins, first I have my fiance in their practically fighting for her life, and now I have this bitch yelling at me.

She's lucky I care about her to much and would never fire her.

"You are so against love ever since your mother told the stories of her and your father. Because he got so called weak in his Mafia career."

I bit my bottom lip as I pointed my finger at her with so much force.

"Don't you dare say that. Because it's no true. I don't love women because I don't BELEIVE IN LOVE."

She rolled her eyes and laughed cheeky.

"No. You are afraid that you will end up just like him. Because you want to prove to everyone that you can be Mr. Big shot. And let me tell you something Anthony, no one cares about that! All we want to see is you happy for once!"


Madeline took a deep breath out as she just shook her head.

"If you think this happiness, than. Honey. You have never felt it. Because that woman up their." She said as she pointed to the stairs.

"Is the epiphany of Hapiness. She is beautiful and kind and so worthy of giving you love. But you can't see it passed your grumpniess and fury." She said as her eyes searched mine.

She looked at me with disappointment.

"That woman up their." She whispered.

"Loves you. She loves you so much that she didn't talk to you for 2 weeks because she was trying so hard to deny her feelings for you because you were so stubborn to admit yours."

My head tilted back as I narrowed my eyes. "How do you know that?"

She shook her head as she crossed her arms. "I wasn't born yesterday, Anthony. I can tell when someone is in love, and I overheard your conversation."

I rolled my eyes. Of course she fucking did.

She sighed before she walked over to me to closer.

"Anthony. I can also see it in your eyes. You have fallen for her. And whether or not you choose to admit to her. You know it. I shouldn't have to explain it to you. But here we are." She said, shrugging her shoulders.

A small smile came up on the corner of my mouth.

"You LOVE her, Anthony. Stop being so worried about being your father because you are not. You are Anthony. Love doesn't make you weaker. It makes you stronger. And that's a damn fact."

I chuckled as she placed a hand on my shoulder and rubbed gently.

"Now. Go check on her. I am sure she would love to see you when she is awake."

I nodded as she turned back around and disappeared into the kitchen.

I rubbed my hands down my face.

What the hell.

She was right.

She was absolutely right.

I wanted Beverly so bad it hurt.

I haven't stopped thinking about her ever since she moved in here.

How can someone change your whole perspective of them in one and a half months. I don't know.

But Beverly sure made it happen.

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