19 | The After Party

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Beverly's POV:

And their we stood in front of the camera, all of us smiling for the picture as my mind wouldn't leave the fact that my parents didn't even have the decency to stay for the picture.

But I did my best to form a fake smile, and soon, the party fell silent as everyone left.

We said our goodbyes as the housekeepers began to clean the place up.

I walked in the kitchen, my makeup a mess, my hair tangled, and my eyes filled with bags.

I opened the door as I saw Madeline picking up trash and pushing into a trash bag.

Madeline's eyes shot up as she looked at me. "Oh my. Miss Jackson, you scared me to death." She said, holding her chest.

I smiled. "Sorry. Just didn't know if you needed help or not."

Her eyebrows raised as she immediately looked at me once more.

"You are offering to help? Do you know what Anthony would say to that?"

I rolled my eyes as I walked closer to her. "I would probably get yelled at. But, I feel bad that you guys have to clean up after us when it was our party."

A small chuckle came from her as she tied up the trash bag and threw into a pile, along with the millions of others.

"Miss. This is our job. I promise we don't mind." She said with a warm smile.

I sighed before nodding. "Ok. Well I am going to go to bed. But thank you again, Madeline. I greatly appreciate it."

She nodded before I turned around and headed up the stairs.

I felt bad, I knew it was their job. But still. I would hate doing that. Cleaning up after someone. I couldn't even imagine.

Finally, I got upstairs as I stopped right in front of my door, startled by a creak on the floor.

My head darted upwards to find Anthony standing right across from me at his own door. Holding the door knob in his grasp.

His eyes fixed onto mine.

Mine fixed onto his.

I gave him a small smile before re-directing my attention to trying to turn the knob.

"Hey. Beverly." He said.

I closed my eyes, not ready for whatever conversation he was going to throw my way.

"Yes?" I said as I turned back around.

He walked closer to me as he stood about a foot or 2 from me.

"Are you ok? I saw your face when my mother said that your parents left."

I sighed as I looked down. "Yes. Just kind of hurt a little. But otherwise, I am fine."

He nodded before looking down with me.

My eyes, along with my head, slowly came up. As his did to.

My blue eyes locked onto his brown orbs. As I couldn't help but soften.

"Are you actually ok?" He said softly. His eyes glistened as he looked at me with a tiny bit of worry.

I nodded. "I hope so."

His lips formed a little smile. "About our kiss." He began to say.

Fuck. Here we go.

The one conversation that I didn't want to have ever. Is coming up at the worst possible time.

"What about it?"

He sighed. And before he could say anything, I interrupted him.

"I know what you are going to say, Anthony. It was just a one-time thing. It was just a hormone thing. I get it. Believe me, I do. Just please. Don't make a big deal about it. Because I already know."

His lips parted, but before he could say anything. I turned around and walked into my room. Shutting the door right on him.

I closed my eyes and sighed as my back hit the door.

God. What was I doing. I shouldn't even feel the slightest bit of attraction towards him. But I can't help it.

He makes me feel so alive. And so safe. And that's the worst part.

I am not supposed to like him.


Anthony's POV:

What the fuck was I doing.

Walking over here.

I closed my eyes tightly as I cursed in my head before walking over to my bedroom door, opening it and slamming the door behind me.

What the hell was she doing to me.

She was like a fucking drug. A drug I couldn't seem to get the hell away from me.

The way her body looked in that dress, oh my God.

I wanted to devour her like an animal.

I wanted to run my tongue all the way down her body and in between her soaking wet thighs.

And secretly, I wanted to keep kissing her in that room tonight.

If only dumb ass wouldn't have run in and ruined it. We would have had sex.

And to be honest, it's probably good he did.

Because if he did, it would have ruined everything. It would have ruined the promise I made.

I had to get her the hell out of my house.

Because, to be honest, it's only been a week, and she is driving me insane.

And soon, I won't be able to control myself.

Soon. Everything will be done. I will ruin Earl's life by blackmail and regain the Brown title once and for all.

I will evenge what my father couldn't finish and protect my family the way he couldn't.

I will. Be the next mafia king. Even if that means getting rid of her. I will.

It's probably if she does go. She is a distraction to me. She makes me weak. She makes me less strong.

She is a desire. A desire I am not supposed to want.

A desire that needs to go away before I lose my shit.

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