5 | Sacrifises

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Beverly's POV:

If this man thinks I am going to deal with his attitude like this, he better think twice.

I didn't exactly want to do this deal either. But unlike him, I didn't HAVE a choice.

God, he pissed me off. More than any person possible, besides my father.

I began to carry my stuff inside and to the elevator I went.

Once I finally got to my bedroom, I looked around.

It was a very nice room. Could use some color, though. But it's just very simple and modern.

But I planned on making it to me.

I sat a couple of boxes in my room and soon got so tired. I walked into the kitchen and sat down at the bar.

I was panting, as I could feel the sweat drip down my forehead.

I literally felt like a dog. It was terrible.

All of a sudden, the door to the kitchen slammed open, almost scaring me half to death.

I jumped slightly before an middle aged woman stood there in an apron. Looking around, until her eyes finally spotted mine as a sigh of relief hit her chest.

Her hand went to her heart as she breathed in and out slowly.

"Goodness gracious dear. You scared me so bad! I thought someone was having a heart attack in here."

I smiled slightly before responding.

"I am sorry ma'am. I didn't mean to freighten you. Just very out of breath from lifting those boxes."

She walked to the other side of the counter beside glaring at me. "Wait. Anthony didn't call you people to do that?"

I shook my head and gave her a confused look. "No?"

She rolled her eyes before scoffing. "That grump. Never has any manners. Always in a bad mood."

I smirked before nodding. "Yeah. I have only been here for almost an hour, and I can agree with you."

She gives me another warm-hearted smile. Before pouring me a glass of water.

If I wasn't around anyone, I would down that sucker in two seconds. But since I was around people. I will stay act all prim and proper.

She stared at me for a good minute before her whole face lit up.

"Oh! I am so sorry, ma'am. Where are MY manners. Welcome to your new home! You must be his new fiance!"

I held my hand out and stopped her.

"Yes, I am. But please. You don't have to act like my servant or anything. I am sure you all get enough yelling from you know who."

Her eyebrows narrowed. "Wow. Where did he find you? Cause I just might want to marry you?"

I chuckled slightly before taking another sip of water.

"Anyways, I'm Beverly. Beverly Jackson."

She nodded once at me. "That is a beautiful name, Ms. Jackson. I am Madeline."

I smiled again at her before the doors opened once more.

Both Madeline Madeline's heads turned to the left as Anthony stood their. Sharp as a tack, and as whitt as tiger.


"Madeline. Will you be kind as to call for some people to help Ms. Jackson with her things?"

I narrowed my eyes at him as soon as he said that.

Would have been nice if you had said that 10 boxes ago.

"Yes, sir." Madeline said as he whisked off behind him.

Leaving me and him alone.

"Couldn't carry your own boxes, I see." He said.

I rolled my eyes. "Yes. I am tired. But I could have finished it. I was just taking a break. Is that not aloud in OUR house."

A growl came from him as he started to walk very fast towards me.

The butterflies in my stomach began to fly as I turned my back to hit the edge of the counter.

My spine is digging into the cool touch of the marble.

He was only a few inches away from me now.

His hands are either sides of my arm, as he holds me in place.

His legs are in between mine as he pushes them apart.

His eyes were staring so hard into mine, as I could smell the expensive cologne that covered his body.

A part of me wanted to explore the explore scent. Inhale it. Devour it.

But another part of me hates him so much right now that sex is the last thing on my mind.

"Did you have to get so close to me?" I whispered.

My eyes glanced down to his lips as I watched them. The way they moved with every word. The wetness of them, the perfect shade of tan.


"Because." He began.

He leaned about a centimeter closer.

And if I really wanted to, I would only have to reach out a few inches to feel his lips on mine.

"You won't listen to me."

I rolled my eyes. But before they could go back in place.

He removed one of his hands from the side and grasped my chin in his hand tightly.

Almost making me whince in his pain.

"Keep rolling those eyes, Mia amore."

A short pause came between us.

"Keep. Fucking. Rolling those eyes."

My eyes narrowed at him as I gulped.

"I am not going to listen to you, unless you show me some fucking respect."

His facial expression softened just a little bit.

"I am going to be your wife after all. Not your slave right?"

His lips parted slightly. As his grasp on my chin, released with pressure.

"Fine. I will treat you with respect. And I will treat you like my so-called fiance. But please. Do as you're told. My rules are only here to keep you safe."

I gulped again. Before whispering.

"Ok. But don't piss me off. And actually, treat me decent, please? I have already had it rough at home."

I immediately jumped off of the bar stool and pushed past him.

I took the elevator upstairs, already finding all of my stuff up here.

I locked the door behind me before walking over to my bed. And dropping down on my stomach.

A few tears stung the edge of my eye, threatening to break loose. But I wouldn't budge.

Looks like this isn't going to be much different than home.

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