22 | Dance With Me

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Beverly's POV:

Soon, we arrived at this mansion.

And my god, it was huge.

I thought my or Anthony's place was huge. But nothing compared to this. It was like a godamn castle.

The stairs covered the sky as the moon shined down on this modern house.

Lanterns filled the streets as people headed up the stairs to the place.

Everyone was dressed in the best clothes money could buy.

Everyone had masks on, so you couldn't tell who was who.

Honestly, I liked it better that way.

Anthony soon put on his mask, as his was just plain black.

"You ready?" He said.

I nodded fast as he got out of the car and came around to my side.

He opened the car door as he placed his hand out.

I eyed him as I grasped his hand in mine and stepped onto the carpet.

I quickly thanked our driver before he pulled away.

Leaving us right in front of the castle.

Camera's surrounded the sides as they were quick to notice both me and Anthony.

I felt my anxiety begin to creep in as all these people screamed questions at us and snapped photos with a click.

I felt an arm grasp my waist as his lips gently grazed my ear. Causing a sharp breath in.

"Remember, it's all about pretending. You can do this. I am right here."

I nodded barely. As he let go of my waist and gave a small nod to the camera, making them go even wilder.

He held his arm out in front of me as his eyes searched mine.

I gave him a small reassuring smile as I wrapped my arm around his as we took the hike up to the house.

"Is it true that you and Anthony Brown are engaged to be married!" I heard one of the cameramen men say.

Me and Anthony didn't respond as we continued up.


Finally, when we made it up the stairs , their was a man standing right by the door.

Once he saw us, he immediately walked to the door and opened it wide.

As we stepped into the room, eyes immediately laid upon me and him.

Some lips parted as others started gossip.

Remember. Fake it. Have confidence.

I closed my eyes slightly as we continued to walk through the mountains of people.

Each one of them eyed us like we were some sort of prize.

I mean damn, I know we did look like a good couple. But I didn't think we were THAT hot.

I felt my train begin to go behind me as my heels clicked and clacked on the marble floor beneath me.

"Everyone is staring at us." I whispered.

Enzo let out a small chuckle as he gave me a quick up and down look.

"Check again, Bev."

I narrowed my eyes at him, confused.

"They are looking at you."

I parted my glossy lips as more and more tingles ran down my spine.

Soon, we made our way outside, where we were stopped by one of Anthony's friends, Nikoali.

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