32 | Living Life

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Beverly's POV:


Man. Things have been going by fast here.

And let me tell you. They haven't been going that bad.

For example, me and Anthony are great.

It's more than great.

We are perfect.

Sex is now a normal thing, at least once every 2 days. Sometimes more.

And even when we do, the tension and the passion are still the same.

And that's what makes this so much easier.

We have been really trying to focus on one another, our jobs, and planning for the wedding. Because no matter what, neither of us still has the opportunity to break this deal.

The fact that we now like each other (a lot) makes this whole thing a lot easier.

And Rosaline has been a really big help with planning this wedding. Like. A MAJOR help.

And my parents well. Have been absent.

My dad and my mother have spoken to me since the engagement party.

I have tried to call, and I have tried to write. And I have gotten no answer. I was a little worried, to be honest, but I just figured they wanted to enjoy their freedom of not having me around. So I didn't push it.

Currently, I was back at the training facility. Training the same group of cadets, but this time in defense.

The boys lined up on the sides of the ring as I stood in the middle.

A dummy stood in front of me as I began to speak.

"Now, when you are trying to fight someone." I said as I looked over to them.

All of their eyes fixed onto me.

"Their are 3 places that work the best when trying to bring your enemy down."

I brought my head back to the dummy as I brought my fist out, striking it right into the ribs.

My hits were strong and powerful, and I will admit which was the key to this lesson.



I brought my hand back out as I punched its way right to his throat. I hit it hard, almost causing it to fall down.


I brought my elbow back one more time as I gave this last punch everything I had as I hit the dummy straight into the nose.

This time, the dummy fell to the floor, causing a loud bang.

I crossed my arms as I turned around. Eyeing every single one of them like dogs.

Some of the men seemed impressed, while others didn't seem to care, which didn't bother me.

"Now, as you can see their are dummies set up all around the room. I want you to pick one and practice those punches. If you all can successfully perform this task. We will move on to kicking next week."

And with a snap of my finger, they were all scattered off around the room, throwing their punches at the mannequins.

I walked over to my gym bag as I grabbed my water bottle and took a sip before feeling hands touch my hips.

I immediately shut my water and almost spit it out before turning around so quickly.

What the-


Anthony stood their with a smile on his face and his hands in the air.

I sighed in relief as I smiled back at him.

"God, you scared me, I thought you were one of my students, and if so, I would have knocked you out."

He walked closer to me as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"Well. If you one of your students ever does put their hands on you. They will have me to deal with. You're mine."

I rolled my eyes. "Mine? Really? I am yours?" I said as I leaned forward slightly. Getting inches and inches closer to his lips.

"Yes." He whispered as he connected his lips to mine.

I grabbed onto his cheeks as his hands traveled to my ass cheeks as he squeezed lightly.

I smiled against his lips as his touch began to send up tingles up my bloodstream.

We let go of our kiss, as our foreheads connected.

We stood their in front of the ring, in the open, kissing one another passionately.

I immediately looked around, and some of the guys got off focus and watched us, while others stayed on task and did what they were supposed to do.

"I have a suprise for you." Anthony said.

I raised an eyebrow. "Uh oh. What would that be?"

He smiled slightly. "You will have to come with me to find out."

I rolled my eyes. "Fine. I guess I will end class a little early, just because I am so eager to see your suprise."

I immediately bent down and grabbed my gym bag, throwing it over my shoulder.

Me and Anthony climbed out of the ring as he put his arm around my shoulder.

"Class is dismissed!" I said out loud.

Everyone looked up, but they didn't move. Instead, they're stood their gaulking their eyes out at me and Anthony.

Some looked us up and down as others' mouths were filled with drool.

We're we THAT good of a looking couple?

Anthony sure noticed. "Sorry fellows she taken." He said as we walked out of the door.

And somehow, the stares still didn't go away.

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