40 | Leaving me behind

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Anthony's POV:

I sat in my office, wasted as fuck. I could practically still taste the alcohol still left on my tongue.

A small stubble of a beard has now formed, as I haven't even taken the time to shave.

I was lucky enough to come here today.

The house is empty, their is no laughs or coming home kisses.

Their is no fucking in our bed until the sun comes up.

Their is no vacations.

Their is no Beverly.

This past week has been pure hell ever since she walked out that door.

And I haven't even heard a word from her.

She had no where to go which scares me the most.

And consequently Ellie is now sitting in my office, sitting in the chair in front of my desk that Beverly once say in.

Her legs are crossed as her elbows say up.

Her eyes glared at me with disappointment.

"What the hell happened to you?" She said.

I didn't say a word or move a muscle, I just laid their slumped on my wooden surface.

"I didn't think her leaving would make you into this big of a bum."

I rolled my eyes. "Don't start El's. If you are here to start shit please leave."

She shook her head and quivered her lip out.

"No. I am good. I think I will stay here and see what the hell is causing my twin brother to act like this."

I sat my head up as I glared at her with anger.

A growl came from me, as I leaned my back on the chair.

"You miss her Anthony."

I shrugged my shoulders. "I can live without her."

She scoffed as a small sarcastic smile came out.

"Yeah right. You can't even shave now that she is gone. Let alone, your drinking more. Not a sign that you can live without her." She said with a raise of her eyebrows.

"She was just another woman." I said as I crossed my arms.

A small groan came from Ellie as she lifted her arms up and slammed them back down on the leather.

"Quit denying your feelings for her dipshit! Everyone can see it, I can, Nikolai can-"

She looked down and sighed, as my eyes stared at hers for a brief second.

"Even mom can see it Anthony."

I immediately gulped before I felt a single tear flood down my cheek, and with my hand I immediately swiped it away.

"I don't know how to fix this." I whispered.

"I treated her so bad, and lied to her Ellie. Why would anyone in their right mind forgive someone like that."

She shook her head. "To be honest Anthony, I don't know."

A short pause came between us as she soon spoke again.

"All I know is that love makes your mind crazy. And when your mind goes crazy you make terrible descions, including the one you made to send out that video, even mother was pissed at you for doing that."

I sighed. "I was mad at myself El's."

She stood up and straightened her black dress as she walked over to my desk, bringing her weight on her hip. 

"Anthony. You love her. And I shouldn't be the one to tell you this. But here I am, helping you again with a little problem."

I cursed silently as I rolled my eyes.

"And if you love her. You can't let her go Anthony."

I nodded, as I wiped another tear away from my face.

"But I don't even know where she is Ellie. How would I find her?"

A small smirk came upon her face.

"Did you forget that Nikolai specials in that kind of stuff? I am sure he would be able to find her."

I nodded as Ellie walked closer, leaned down and gave me a small kiss on the temple.

"I have always wished for your happiness brother, and sometimes you have to make sacrafises to get what you have wanted." She said as she rubbed my shoulder and walked towards the door.

She opened it slightly before stopping halfway.

"Bring her home Anthony. Cause lord knows we like her better than you."

My smile immediately dropped. "Out Ellie."

A small chuckle came from her lips as she shut the door behind her, leaving me in pure silence once again.

I rocked back and forth in the chair as I sat their for a few minutes thinking about her.

What she must be doing right now. What she must be going through.

She has been through so much, and in so little time that I wish I could pull her into my embrace and hug her so tightly.

I sighed as I reached inside my pocket and grabbed my phone.

I had hoped she would have texted or called me. But I soon gave up on that after a few days.

I scrolled through my contacts until I found Nikolai's name.

And soon the phone was ringing.

When he answered, I immediately smiled.

"Hey Nikolai. I have one more important favor to ask you."

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