43 | A Happy Ending Ish?

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Beverly's POV:

I am standing in front of the mirror, completely unaware of the thing I am about to do.

My white, flowy dress was hands down by hips, all the way to my legs, as the sleeves puffed out and delicate white flowers covered the dress.

Mt hair was down and curled as I wore a small flower crown in my hair.

And my makeup and jewelery are the same as always.

I didn't want anything special for this wedding.

And instead of going for something extraordinary like we originally planned. We ultimately decided that it was better for us to have a smaller wedding.

I took a deep breath and breathed out before grabbing my bouquet as I began to head to the altar.

We decided to have the wedding on the beach just like Rosaline and Enzo did.

And although, she said we didn't have to. I wanted to.

I wanted her to feel like Enzo was still here, looking over on this special day.

To put it into context, me and Anthony had lots to talk about after the whole incident.

I mean, we talked about it for days until I finally accepted his apology and moved on.

Some may say I am crazy for accepting his apology so quickly. Others will say that it was the right thing to do.

And to be honest, I can't answer that at the moment, because what I am about to do just might be the wrong descion. I have no idea.

But it could also be the start of something I have always wanted, which was a place to call my home.

And I love Anthony. God. I have loved him since I first glanced at him.

And I would be crazy not to take this chance at finding happiness with him.

I got to aisle, and as Madeline quickly fixed my train behind me, I looked behind me and gave her a small smile, in which she returned the favor.

When she was done, she immediately walked over to me and placed a small kiss on my cheek.

"I am so happy that you two have found each other Ms. I wish you the utmost happiness."

I smiled again at her as I gave her a small hug.

"Thank you, Madeline."

She nodded against my shoulder before letting me go.

I watched as she made her way to her seat before the music began to play as I started to take steps down the aisle.

I looked up slightly and immediately saw Anthony standing their gaulking.

His eyes focused solely on mine as a small smirk was on his lips.

He stood proper, as my focus was on nothing but him.

The glitter in his eyes from the sun that complimented his brown eyes so well almost made me fold.

Finally, when I reached the end of the aisle, I looked up as Ellie grabbed the bouquet from me so I could hold his hands.

I grabbed them in mine as he gently caressed his thumb at the top of them.

"Bev. You look absolutely stunning."

I smiled big and brightly. "You do as well."

Our smiles were the only thing that never ever dropped, and the ceremony continued.

We said our vows and I-do's before we gave our final kiss hearing everyone's screams but, more specifically, Ellie's.

Which made me almost laugh against the kiss.

Anthony let go of our kiss as I glanced over at Nikolali, who was standing right beside Anthony.

I thought he might have been staring at me.

But as I looked closer, I realized he was staring at Ellie.


Like the kind of stare Anthony used to give me.

I smirked cheerily.

I knew their was something going on with them. All I had to do was find out.

I looked back up at Anthony, who was looking down at me with the most loving eyes I have ever seen.

He leaned down as we kissed one more time, causing one more round of cheers.

But they didn't even faze us as we were lost in some other kind of wonderland. 

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