33 | Take Me Places Baby

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Beverly's POV:

Me and Anthony walked out to the car, hand in hand. As we got in the van, and buckled our seat belts.

I found myself wanting and scooting closer to Anthony just because I could.

And he didn't seem to mind.

I slowly sat my head on his shoulder as I slightly looked up and him.

His eyes glanced down to me, as a small smile came upon his face.

His eyes glittering and shining.

"So where are we going?" I said softly. Honestly about to fall asleep.

I was so tired and so disgusting from today all I wanted to do was go home and shower.

"To the airport." He responded.

I immediately sat my head up, as my pupils widened at those words.

"Airport? Why are we going to the airport?"

A small smirk came upon the corner of his mouth as he reached down and grabbed my hand, and squeezed gently.

"Because I am taking you to Hawaii."

My mouth dropped wide open, as my eyed light up with excitement.

"I am sorry." He began to say.

"I know that you have training going on, and I realize that it might not fit into your schedule. But I figured we could have some time for each other, with no distractions."

As soon as the last word hit his mouth, my hands moved to the back of his neck, as I pulled his lips forwards urgently.

Causing both our lips to slam on one another.

I felt his eyebrows raise, as he must be in shock by my sudden movements.

But his body and hands responded differently.

I dropped one of my hands down as I unbuckled the seat belt, that way I could get on top of him.

I flung my legs over to his lap, as I began to straddle his lap and suck on his tongue.

His hands moved to my lower back, as he scratched throw the fabric gently, causing me to moan against his mouth.

Thank God the window was always closed, separating us and the driver.

But if he was to lower it.

He would get to see a whole different side of me and Anthony.

I arched my back slightly, deepening the kiss even more.

As I felt his hands slide down my silky workout set, all the way to my ass cheeks.

He squeezed gently, as I smiled against his lips once before disconnecting our lips and staring him in the eyes.

His eyes looked into mine in a way I had never seen before.

They looked at me with softness and carefulness.

It's like I was pencil and he didn't want to accidently break me.

"You're taking me to Hawaii?" I said.

He nodded as his hands went to the back of my head.

"Yes. And before you ask, all your stuff is packed. Madeline packed a bag for you."

I smiled brightly as my teeth showed through my lips.


Our flight felt like it took forever, but Anthony helped make the time go by faster by letting me snuggle up with him in our seats.

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