27 | Theres No Denying It Now

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Anthony's POV:

I found myself standing right in front of her door.

Contemplating whether or not I want to step in there.

Nurses and doctors were all downstairs in case if something happened.

I closed my eyes as I hesitated when grabbing the door knob.

Just open the door. She is right there.

She is alive. That's all that matters.

She is ok.

I took a deep breath as I sighed out, turned the door knob and pushed the door open.

I stepped in the doorway as I closed the door behind me.

And as I looked in front of me, their she was.

She was wrapped tightly in her blanket as she lay there passed out.

Her chest heaved up and down as she slept.

Her arms were on her sides, as I noticed their was a slight purple tint to her skin.

A machine beeped, as I noticed she was plugged up to a monitor.

I began to find my balance again as I took a seat in the chair right beside her bed.

My eyes just stared at her as I couldn't help but feel a tightness in my chest.

I feel guilty.

I should have told her my feelings when we were on that balcony.

I should have told her that she is driving me so wild that it's hard for me to focus on anything else except her.

I should have told her how much she has changed me this past month.

I shouldn't have let my stubbornness get in the way of me finally being happy.

I fell fast for her. That's a damn fact, but how could not. She was practically irresistible. That is why I hated seeing her like this.

I wish I could find the man who did this to her. I would pull my gun out of my pocket and make him wish he never even laid an eye on her.

I sighed once more as I reached for her hand as I intertwined her fingers with mine.

I brought her palm up to my hand as I kissed it gently.

"I am so sorry." I whispered to her.

"I should have been their for you. I should have told you how I felt. But I didn't. I am such a asshole."

I looked up at her eyes once more as I felt my pupils began to soften, and a sting form in my eyes as a single tear fell.

I quickly wiped it away before clearing my throat.

"Beverly. I am so fucking sorry. You don't deserve this. You don't deserve any of this at all."

I looked away from her as I looked out of her window and focused my attention on the sunset.

God. I wish she could see this right now. It was absolutely beautiful.

The Light from it shined in here, making the room seem like it was tinted in a pink-ish tint.

I felt a tugging at my hand as I quickly looked at her face to find a smile on her face and her eyes open.

"Hey stranger. How's it going?" She said with a small smile.

I smiled so big and bright that I didn't care if I looker ridiculous.

She was awake.

She was still with me

I let a small chuckle before squeezing her hand more. "Beverly? Your awake?"

She rolled her eyes. "Don't go crying on me now Anthony."

I laughed once more, "I am not going to cry."

I said as I leaned up in my chair.

My face inches away from hers.

Her eyes followed mine as her stare grew deeper and deeper by the second.

Her eyes searched mine as she looked for an answer of what I was about to do.

"Are you going to kiss me or not?" She whispered.

Her Whispers sent tingles down my body as I bit the bottom half of my lip.

I nodded as my face grew even closer.

I felt her breaths hit my skin as I reached my hand up and gently grazed her cheek, massaging it with my thumb.

"I think I am." I whispered back.

I promised I wouldn't do this.

But hell. I have already broken enough things, why not just break one more.

I leaned in slowly, as I gently pressed my lips to hers.

If she was not on bed rest, I would take her right here and now and kiss her so passionate and so hungry, I don't think either of us would have been starving anymore.

But for now, this was good enough.

Fuck. This is better than good

This is perfection.

Our lips began to move against one another's, but only for a second before I let go of the kiss and stared deeply into her eyes.

She smiled slightly as I pressed my forehead against hers.

"Thank you for coming and getting me." She said.

I smirked. "I will always come and get you Mia Amore."

Her cheeks reddened as I let go our stare and held her hand in mine again. Giving it, a small kiss before I laid my head against her thigh, as I found myself drifting off to sleep.

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