31 | Wildest Dreams

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Anthony's POV:

I have been awake for at least an hour now, and I still haven't moved.

Not even a smidge.

She was so perfect laying against me, sleeping so good that I didn't want to wake her.

But my god, last night was amazing.

The best night at that.

I have had sex before, multiple times, in fact.

But nothing will compare to that.

Nothing could ever compare to her.

Her body was goregous, her smile and laugh were contagious, and her wit and charm were even better.

I felt her begin to move in my grasp as she took her hands and rubbed her eyes, sitting up gently.

Her head tilted towards mine as she smiled. "Good morning." She said through her groggy voice.

I couldn't help but chucke. "Good morning, Mia Amore. How did you sleep?"

Her eyes looked into mine as she responded. "Really good actually, you might have to start sleeping in here more often."

I rolled my eyes playfully as she began to lean her body towards mine, her lips grazing mine gently.

I kissed her back as a loud bang came from the door.

A small gasp came from her as she immediately sat by my side, our eyes both staring at the door waiting to see who would come in.

Soon, the door sprang open as Ellie stood in the doorway.

Her hands covered her mouth as she looked at Beverly.

"Beverly! Oh my God. I am so sorry I didn't come yesterday with my mother. But I had to come and make sure you were ok."

Ellie ran over to Beverly, pulling her into an embrace.

I narrowed my eyes at Ellie as I scoffed.

"You interrupted our conversation, El's." I said.

She rolled her eyes and waived me off. "I don't give a shit her health is more important to me than catching you guys going at it like animals."

My eyes widened as Beverly looked at her with urgency and worry.

"I am just glad that you are ok." She said as she placed her hand on her cheek.

Beverly looked up at her with a small smile before Ellie stood up straight.

"Well. Unfortunately, I have to leave, I have a business meeting with Nikolai. But I will call you later."

I tilted my head and looked at her with confusion in my eyes. "Nikolai? Why the hell do you have a meeting with him?"

She rolled her eyes. "He is helping me with a task."

I didn't say anything as she said her goodbyes and left the room, closing the door behind her.

Beverly turned over on her side as she stared into my eyes deeply.

"Why do you give her such a hard time."

I then rolled over on my side.

Her body arched to fit mine perfectly.

"Because she is my twin sister."

She rolled her eyes at me as she put on a playful smile on her face.

"Did you roll your eyes at me, Beverly Jackson?"

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