In the name of Salvation

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(if u see this and ur one of my readers from Ao3, don't worry, this is my account.) also this is dedicated to my friend H. and i hope u enjoy, this story is motivated by ghostyfangz !! Go check out their story!! I 10/10 recommend it. 

do not copy/translate my work, thanks. (ifykyk) 

Anyways, enjoy!! 


Alice shuddered as the cold wind rattled through the abandoned gas station. She gripped her sweatshirt, trying to pull it closer to her skin, but she could feel the air through the thin fabric. She turned her head as she heard a laugh behind her:

"Dam Alice, you weren't ready for the cold?"

"This is the south of France Quartz, it's not supposed to be minus three-hundred degrees." Alice complained as she turned towards her singer, Quartz's bright pink hair contrasted with the dead surroundings. Her cheeks and nose were pink, she had wrapped her slender body in a fluffy pink blanket (Quartz had always been obsessed with the colour pink, any shade, as long as it was pink). She laughed, and sat next to Alice, wrapping her into the blanket.

"Fuck yeah." Alice grumbled as she snuggled up to her. She looked up at Quartz, her singer was from Greece, from Sparta actually. She had tan skin, and she always seemed to be able to smile. She was wearing a white sweatshirt, with black sweatpants, her favourite travelling outfit. Alice had met while they were in detention, over four years ago, then, history was made.

"Oi, have you seen Spider? I swear to God he's disappeared." injected another voice, Nova. Nova was the definition of a train-wreck. She was a complete mess that somehow survived and functioned. Nova sat down next to Alice, ruffling her dirty black hair, her deep brown eyes pierced through Alice. 

Alice lifted an eyebrow:

"Have you tried calling him?"

"He's mute dipshit, how the fuck is he supposed to answer?"

Alice rolled her eyes:

"You could at least text him or something."

"And you think I haven't tried?" Nova answered, she huffed, as she wrapped her arms around herself. Nova was very tall compared to Alice, she was from Vietnam, her mother though was French, and had left her father years ago (he was a complete piece of shit though, an abusive alcoholic that refused to get the help he needed). They had returned to France, and they had met during a party. She was the only other percussionist in the band and did some dam good vocals. Nova was responsible for making a mess, both backstage and onstage, she had learned how to spit fire, and she wasn't afraid to show her skill off.

She yawned, and she was soon followed by Quartz and Alice.

"I can't wait to get to Marseille, I just want to sleep in a proper bed." Quartz said, she looked exhausted.

"Same." Alice answered stoically, after several minutes of silence, Jacob came to sit with them:

"This place if fucking empty, there's no one at the store, or anywhere."

"I told you sooo." Quartz sang, she smiled at him, and he shook his colourful hair:

"And I'm freezing my fucking balls off."

"Since when do you have balls?" asked Nova ironically. Jacob mocked a laugh, he was French, like Alice. Alice had known him since they were children, they both had grown up in the same village, his hair changed colours often, this time it was a dark blue, but she could see his brown roots. He had dark blue eyes and freckles that were accentuated by his pronounced cheekbones, and rather pale skin. He stood at about 1m 80 (*for the Americans, that's like 6'00*) and he had a slight French accent when he spoke. He smiled at Alice:

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