You made me cry you sick fuck

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Before everyone starts to hate hector, there will be a redemption arc, he'll realise he was a cunt and all that. dw

still no proofreading, and comments are incredibly appreciated :)

Chapter inspired by Chatter me by Atrial.


Alice and Joey woke up around eight thirty am, she was getting ready in the bathroom with him (which involved a lot of giggling as Alice had put Joey's hair up in space buns). Alice smiled as Joey posed in front of her:

"You look incredible Joey." She laughed. 

"I know, I'm so fabulous!" He laughed, throwing a lose strand of his hair back. Alice giggled and kissed his cheek, she grabbed a brush and brushed her own hair. Everything was fine.

Up until Alice heard a knock.

Her eyes widened when  she recognised the pattern, it was Nova. 

"Shit!" Alice cursed, Joey looked at her, he seemed slightly scared. "I'll be there in a moment!"

She pushed Joey in the bathtub, drawing the curtain close behind him, she heard him protest, but she shushed him:

"Just shut it for like a minute! I'll get rid of her!"

Joey didn't have the time to answer, she quickly closed the door behind her. She took a deep breath and prayed that everything would go smoothly. She plastered a fake smile on her face as she opened the door, and much to Alice's dismay, Nova invited herself in.

"Gremlin!" Nova smiled, she sat down on the bed, "You're gonna love this!"

Alice looked slightly unnerved, but she smiled back to Nova:

"Who died ?" Alice sarcastically asked while Nova giggled. 

"Bro Hector got fucking bitch slapped by Quartz." 

"No way?!"

Nova laughed as she nodded, she explained how it happened:

"He went up to her room to tell her not to fuck around with Taylor, except Taylor was there, and they started to scream at each other. And that pissed Quartz off right? So then, she told him to fuck off, and he didn't, he kept screaming about her betraying them and all that stupid shit and then-"

A sneeze resonated through the room. 


Nova and Alice locked eyes, Nova looked very concerned, she stood up from the bed.

"That came from the bathroom didn't it." Nova whispered, "Do you have someone in here?"

"No!" Alice whispered back. Nova tip-toed towards the bathroom door, Alice held her arm back from opening the door. "Nova don't!" 

"Why?!" Nova whispered back, she smacked Alice's hand away from her arm. "What, you got your secret boyfriend in there?"

Alice had an incredibly guilty look on her face... and Nova suddenly realised... that Alice did indeed have her secret boyfriend in the bathroom. 

"Oh my god!!" Nova scream whispered, "Are you serious?!"


"Who is it?!"

"Shhhhhhh!! There's no one."

"I wanna meet him!!"


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