Shut up and listen to my heart, it beats for you

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AFTER 19 FUCKING CHAPTERS: here is the smoochy smoochy 

Chapter inspired by Night witches by Sabaton. 


Alice had gotten up early (not true, it was like 10 am, but for her that's early), she had decided to head to the venue before anyone else. She grabbed her camo cargo pants, a Incubus shirt, and her dr martins. She wasn't in gear but whatever who cares right. She caught the first shuttle towards there, but she was nervous, she was going to confront Joey. 

She had to tell him.

And fuck anyone or anything that was going to get in between that. 

She arrived at the venue, and she walked over to her dressing room, she guessed that Slipknot had stayed late the night before because it was a complete mess. Alice quickly looked at their schedule, they were playing their set in about ten minutes. She grabbed her mask, and even if she was still in civilian clothes, she sprinted over at the stage area. 

She ran past multiple confused tech guys, she was like a hurricane. She froze when she saw him. And he did too. Most his band was already on, Paul was trying to drag him towards the stage, but when he looked and he saw Alice, he immediately understood what was happening. He let go of his drummer arm.

You know those cliche movie beach scenes, where the chick and the dude run to each other and lovingly swap spit?

Yeah that didn't happen.

Alice hesitantly walked up to him, and Paul took a couple steps back, giving them as much space as possible. 

"Hey." She breathed out, she was out of breath. 

"Hey." He answered... a silence ensued, though Paul broke it:

"Alright Lovebirds, if you wanna do something, it's now, Joey we gotta go." 

Both Joey and Alice seemed to not even hear him, they were both entranced by each other. Alice quickly took her mask off, and Joey did the same. They stared at each other for a second before Alice said:

"Y'know, I kinda like you actually."

"Do you?" Joey smirked. She hummed in response. Before anything else happened, Joey closed the gap between them, capturing Alice's lips in a soft but short kiss. He winked at her and shoved his mask right back on, Paul laughed as his drummer literally skipped on the stage, which made the crowd roar. 

"So you and Joey huh?" Paul asked right before he walked on stage. Alice was smiling like an idiot:

"Don't even start Paul." She smiled, and he laughed and shook his head, waving her goodbye as he walked on stage to play. 


Alice was drawing again, in her changing room when Nova barged in. Miss Nova had lost her sticks and she had gone out to bye some new ones:

"GREMLIN! You'll never guess what the fuck happened!" She dramatically shouted as she fell onto the couch. Alice barely lifted an eyebrow, this could range from "I met the president" to "I found a dead body and I'm the main suspect". 

"What did you do?"

"I didn't do shit!!" Nova answered, she sounded offended. "I met one of those Abyss chicks."

Alice suddenly turned all her attention towards her friend:

"What?! You met Maze?" 

"Nah, her name was Amelia or something." 


"Did you know that their band had twins in it?"

"Wait what?!" Alice laughed, "How do they even get along? I would commit murder if I was in a band with my sister." 

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