You made your choice, do you regret it yet?

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(A/N: I've changed everything to a third pov, if you were really into the Y/N thing, my ao3 is still listed on my profile, go click on that ao3 link, the story is in Y/N pov.) 

tw for assault/drugs, i wrote this chapter like 3 days ago, but i forgot to post it, sorry. Also this isn't proofread, so pls tell me if you see a mistake, thx!

Chapter inspired by I will be heard by Hatebreed. 


"I can't believe it's been three months since the beginning of the tour." Commented Quartz as she ate her cereal.

"We're done in a week." Alice noted, "It went by so quickly, I'm sad that we have to end it. By the way, did Smith tell you the line up of the festival?"

"The one we're doing tomorrow?"

"That's the last one we're doing right?" 

"Yeah," Quartz frowned, "And no, Tom didn't send me shit, he said he would."

Alice frowned as well, why would their manager hide the line up from them? It didn't make any sense. 


The town was busy... but the undergrounds were somehow worse. Nova had insisted that the band go out to the underground party she had gotten four tickets to... somehow she managed to rope Alice in with her. 

Alice didn't like these underground rave parties, it was too cramped, the air was too hot, and the risk of being drugged was high. The part that she hated the most was probably the sound quality, she had to remove her hearing aids and it made everything muffled. In other words, she knew she was probably going to be overstimulated. She stared at the flashing lights that could be seen from the vestibule:

"Nova you sure this is a good idea?" She asked weakly, Jacob sauntered past her into the crowd.

"You'll be fine!" Nova reassured, "You gotta let loose a little!" 

Alice sighed, she didn't like this, there were too many people, too many sounds... it was just too much. But she decide to 'suck it up' at least for tonight, it couldn't be that bad right?


It was awful.

Absolutely horrid. 

Alice wanted nothing then just burn the place down. Of course she couldn't, that would cause legal issues... and it would get soot on her clothes, how awful. 

The place was incredibly packed, Alice had lost Nova, Hector and Jacob in the crowd. Alice had backed up against a wall in a far corner, sipping her drink, she was incredibly bored (and annoyed that she had let Nova bring her here). 

"Hey pretty girl, you here alone?" 

Alice looked up at the man that was staring down at her. He had short neon green hair and he was looming over Alice, she could smell the alcohol roll off him.

"Je parle pas anglais, desolée." (I don't speak english, sorry). Alice mumbled, the language trick usually worked on people, especially the ones she didn't want to talk to. The man looked barely taken aback, but something in his attitude made Alice stay on her guard. 

That was until Hector stumbled next to her.

"Helloooo." he slurred, he was very, very... high? Or drunk... Alice couldn't really tell. 

"Hey Hector, you doing alright?" Alice asked loudly, trying to speak over the loud music as she continued to sip her drink.

"I'm amazing." He laughed, "Saw a hot chick, I wanna fuck her."

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