A rare moment of peace... ?

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I hope you enjoyed the last chapter, shits gonna go downhill from now on. 

ok so im being nice. this chapter isn't too bad compared to whats coming. so prepare the tissues lol. So not proofread that at this point i should add that to the tags. 

As always, thank you to the commenters, ily. 

Chapter inspired by Whore by In this moment (have i already used that song?)


Everything was going smoothly.

They had gotten on the bus, and they were headed towards the next venue, this festival would last three days, and there would be a similar line up then the last one.

Salvation spilled out of their tour bus, Nova threw her arm around Alice:

" 'Sup gremlin," Alice rolled her eyes at the nickname, "How was the bus."

"Would've been great if a certain idiot wasn't kicking my seat for three hours straight." Alice answered.

"Aw yeah must've been annoying." Nova snickered as Alice glared at her. She pulled Nova's arm off, and she headed over to Theo:

"Hey Theo?" She asked quietly, he looked like shit. Like absolute garbage, and Alice wanted to know why. "You alright?" 

Theo groaned:

"I'm so fucking hungover, I feel like shit."

"You look like shit." Alice deadpanned.

"Oh wow thank you Alice for that wonderful comment." Theo answered, "I hadn't noticed."

"Nah but seriously, are you alright?"

Theo hesitated, but he lowered his voice:

"I got drunk yesterday with Davis and Matteo-"

"What?!" Alice hissed, "Matteo from Abyss but-"

"That's not the worst part." Theo shushed her, trying to keep they noise levels low. "I-.... I think I kissed him."

Alice looked at him in complete shock:

"WHAT?!" She whispered shouted, she was about to continue when she was interrupted by Quartz:

"Hey I've got a couple things to do.." She looked down at her phone, she had thankfully not heard their conversation, "So don't kill anyone." 

Alice barely nodded, she hadn't really paid attention to whatever her singer had said, she was in shock from what her guitarist had said.

"Theo are you- I thought you hated him?!" She grabbed his arm, making him stop in place. "What the hell?"

"I don't know what happened! I can't even remember!" He hissed, "I'm not even sure if that's what went down!"


"You two good?" Interrupted Hector, who walked up to the both of them. Alice looked at Theo with pity, but she shook her head:

"Yeah it's all fine."

"Yo Abyss is here again." He commented to fill the weird silence that had settled. 

"Are we sharing with them ?" Alice asked.

"Nope." Hector popped the 'p', "Thank fucking god because if that Matteo guy fucks around again with Theo, I'm gonna rip his fucking spine out." 

As Hector walked away towards Jacob, Alice turned towards Theo again:

"He's gay?!"

"I don't have a fucking clue! I didn't stop to ask!" Theo grumbled, "I don't think he is."

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