Castle of Cards

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:) (also if you get the reference from the messages, i love you)


Alice stared up at her singer, that had gotten stuck on the fucking roof of the goddam RV.

"STOP FUCKING PANICKING YOU IDIOT!" Alice shouted back. She huffed as the crew ran around the RV, trying to find a ladder to get Quartz down. The window she had used to
get up there couldn't open for some reason.

"I DON'T WANNA DIE HERE!" she shouted again, Alice could hear the tremble in her voice, she was terrified.

"QUARTZ YOU'LL BE FINE, WE'LL GET YOU DOWN!" Alice shouted back again, she turned towards Nova, "How the fuck did she get up there? What did you do?"

"Nothing! I swear!" Nova defended herself. " She went up there by herself, I don't even know how!"

"She's terrified of heights! Why the hell would she go up there?" Alice questioned, waving her arms around wildly.

"Why don't you fucking ask her and stop harassing me!" Nova snapped at Alice, she looked genuinely angry, so Alice decided to drop it. She didn't want to make the situation worse.

"JUST DON'T LOOK DOWN!" Alice hollered and she saw her nod. Alice sighed, this was extra-stressful, and she didn't need this type of shit right now. 

"I still can't find my motherfucking sticks. Fuck." Alice grumbled angrily, she was going to have to play with Jordison's again. Which pissed her off.

-What?- signed Spider, he looked confused as Alice continued to grumble angrily about the situation she was in.

Thankfully, Quartz got down alive and with all her limbs, and Alice immediately asked her:

"Why in the living hell were you on the fucking roof?"

She held up a camera and simply stated:

"Picture." And she walked away, leaving Alice completely dumbfounded, her jaw was slack in her mask.

"I'm... I'm so confused about this." She turned towards Nova, who seemed also confused, "Did she seriously do all that for a... for a picture of the sky?"

There was a moment of silence, then Nova said:

"... I think... I think so..."

Both of them looked at each other in complete disbelief, this entire situation was weirdly stressful.

-What's going on?- signed Spider, -Why was Quartz on the roof?-

"I don't fucking know, I don't fucking understand shit." Alice complained, she walked back into the changing room, where everyone was getting ready for the show. She ignored Hector's and Jacob's questions, just going straight to her gear and she tried to concentrate for the show. But she couldn't, her mind kept going back to Slipknot, stupid Jordison and the festival in two weeks.


The show was shit. Absolute garbage, she hadn't been able to concentrate at all, she messed up a whole bunch of time and thank god no one had noticed. She stormed off stage, packed her bags incredibly quickly and ran to the tour bus where she squeezed herself into her sleeping pod. She tried her hardest to fall asleep before the rest of the band arrived, but of course, she had no such luck.

Most of them had gone to sleep, except for Hector and Nova, who decided to stay up and talk shit. At first Alice drowned out their dumb conversation, but she overheard her name and she started to listen in:

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