We are a divine body

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putting this out again cause i can, again, thank you Byummyy!!

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putting this out again cause i can, again, thank you Byummyy!!

CREDIT: as I always say, give credit when credit is due, so the line I wrote: "wash your hair you gross little man" is directly from: At the border of Utopia, I'll Toast to Anarchy by glitchesaintshit on AO3. 

Chapter inspired by: Master of Puppets by Metallica (classic) 

 Salvation burst onto the stage, their hearts racing with anticipation. 

The crowd roared as Jacob began to strum the opening chords to their first song. But as he struggled to control his nerves, his fingers stumbled over the strings, producing a cringe-worthy discordant note that echoed through the venue.

 Alice's heart was racing as she pounded away at the drums, feeling the adrenaline rush through her veins. But as the song progressed, Jacob's fingers slipped on the guitar strings again, producing a jarring discordant note that threw off the rhythm of the song.

Nova, stepped forward to join Alice, right next to her drums. But as soon as she began to play, her sticks snapped in half, sending splinters flying across the stage. Alice looked at her with wide eyes, Nova seemed lost for a second, but she recovered, grabbing another pair.

Theo entered next, but as he stepped onto the stage, he lost his footing and nearly slipped. He managed to catch himself just in time, but the close call left him shaken. Theo cursed an muttered under his breath, Alice could see that he was scared, he was highly superstitious, and falling right as you enter the stage? 

Couldn't be good luck. 

Despite the rocky start, the band pushed on, determined to give their fans the show of a lifetime. But as they began to play, it quickly became clear that their nerves were getting the better of them.

Jacob's fingers slipped again, causing Spider to shoot him a withering glance. 

"Get it together, man!" Theo hissed behind Jacob as he walked past him.

Quartz's microphone continued to cut in and out, causing her to shout towards the tech crew that was running around on the side of the stage.

 "Can anyone hear me?" she cried out in frustration. The audience didn't understand what was happening, and Theo tried to help Quartz out. 

Alice struggled to keep the beat, her heart pounding in her chest. She tried to ignore the fact that her mask was slipping off her face, but the distraction proved to be too much. With a quick adjustment, she managed to keep it in place, but it threw off the rhythm of the song. Nova threw her a quick glance as she started the backup for the song, the show was going down to shit. 

The energy in the room began to shift, and Alice felt her lungs tighten, she didn't want to disappoint people.

Though the rest of the performance continued... smoothly, Alice hated how everything had happened.

After the show, the band members were despondent. Everyone was pissed, well except for Hector, who didn't mess up at all, he didn't give a shit. He quickly disappeared down the corridor, bringing up some bullshit excuse.

Joey jumped down from the crate he was sitting on.

"Everyone messes up sometimes," Joey said, putting a comforting arm around her. "It's all part of being a musician. You'll be fine."

"Yeah but... we can't let people down like that. C'est nul." ( It sucks) Alice complained, switching to French to really show her unhappiness. Joey chuckled lightly, kissing her on the forehead. She made a face, knowing she was drenched in sweat.

"You'll be fine, shit happens." He tried to reassure her. But Alice wasn't convinced, she knew that bad shows could happen... she just really didn't like it when it happened to them. 

As for the rest of the band, they were disappointed with their performance, but they refused to let it get them down. They knew that they had made mistakes, but they also knew that they could learn from them and improve for the next show. They were all weirdly positive... which freaked Alice out, since when did any of them think positively?? 

 They all left, saying good night to each other and heading out to various places. Alice headed back with Joey to his hotel, Quartz and Jacob were going to meet Corey and Sid at a bar, Spider was off to find Maze and Nova and Theo were going out for drinks with Val, John and Head.

Alice sighed as she realised that tomorrow's car ride was going to be filled with a lot of groaning idiots. 

"You okay?" joey asked as he quietly opened the door. Alice stayed quiet and still for a moment, before she let out a very, very, loud groan.


Joey's eye widened as he watched her walk into the room, and literally melt to the floor. 

"EVERYTHING SUCKSSSSS." Alice groaned loudly. Joey stiffled a laugh:

"Well, it's just one of those days-" 

"NoOOooOO." Alice interrupted him and Joey sat on the floor next to her:


"I can't believe it!" Alice flipped herself on her back, turning her head towards him. "We're supposed to be professionals!"

Joey chuckled as she huffed.

"Don't you want to get to bed? You look tired." He asked gently as he studied her face. Alice grumbled as she got up from the floor, announcing she had to take a shower. Joey scrunched his nose:

"Yeah... you should." 

Alice gasped:


Then she smirked:

"Should I remind you what you do before every other concert?"

Joey frowned then he realised:

"You're not playing fair." 

Alice laughed as she grabbed Joey's shirt again, making him protest:

"That's mine-"

"NO!" She ran to the bathroom, grabbing the rest of her pyjamas with her. Joey knew better, that shirt was hers now. She turned on the shower, at the highest possible heat. She groaned as the water hit her, smiling as she saw the door open. 

"What?"Joey asked as he sat down on the toilet, watching her carefully as she rubbed the shampoo in her hair. She laughed, but she noticed how gross and greasy his hair looked:

"You need to wash your hair you gross little man."

His eyes lit up:

"Can I join you?"

Alice hesitated for a second, but agreed. Joey tripped over his own feet, stripping down at the speed of light, making Alice laugh.

He lightly kissed her cheek as he massaged her shoulders. She groaned as she relaxed her muscles, Joey lightly kissed her neck... and Alice turned around, kissing her boyfriend. 

Just to say, that after that, they didn't sleep much. 

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