Do not forgive them, they are not sorry

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TW: Smut, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it, be responsible, sorry kids, yall gotta shoo for this chapter) and a bit of violence. There won't be a warning for the smut, but there will be a warning for when it ends.  (also don't even ask what position, i don't even know anymore)

A/N: So you're responsible for what you read, so if you're a minor, please don't read this chapter. Thank you. Also don't forget english isn't my first language, if shits weird, please do tell me thx. 

Also not proofread lmao.

Chapter inspired by Decrecsendo by Lomepal (not metal i know but whatever). 


Joey kissed her deeply, his hands getting tangled in her brown and purple hair. She groaned as he bit her lip lightly. He pushed her onto the bed again, and she giggled, her head rolled back as he kissed up the underside of her chin, he finally met her lips. 

Alice's pink nails trailed underneath his Slipknot shirt,  skimming over his small happy trail and his subtle v-line. 

 "You talk a whole lot Joey, do you really wanna make me feel good?" Alice asked against his lips as she grabbed his waist, flipping the two of them. She found herself on top of him, Joey nodded quickly, Alice smirked as she saw him gulp as she traced the veins of his arms.

"Maybe we should.... strip?" Alice asked, her voice low and suggestive. 

"Holy shit-Please yes!" Joey begged.

Very quickly, Joey grabbed Alice's hips, and he sat up. Joey kissed her, and at the same time, he reached under her shirt to unclasp her bra, he quickly tossed the dark red bra to the side, it landed somewhere in the room. He kissed her breast, lightly biting them. Joey's fingers dug into her hips, making her groan. His fingers unbuttoned her pants, tugging them down her legs, Alice barely helped him.

Joey threw her clothes across the room, and he removed his three silver rings hastily, stuffing them in his pockets. His eyes were dark and his hands gripped her skin tightly, Alice couldn't lie, she loved this. 

Alice's back hit the mattress, Joey smirked as he looked down at her. He leaned, licking his lips as he looked at her. His lips moved quickly against her inner thighs, he kissed the top of her pussy. Alice hissed as she felt his breath on her sensitive nerves. Even though he's barely even touched her, he still needs more, and he needs her now. 

 Joey practically growled, he looked down at her: 

"You're just... fuck, God, you're incredible darling... let me? Please?Can I... let me eat-... I'll do anything..."

Alice would be lying if his begging didn't turn her on further. 

Alice nods quickly, and Joey didn't waste any time, he parted her knees even further and he shoved his face into her pussy. Alice happily watched the eager way he sucked at the bundle of nerves, making her groan. 

Joey feels desperate and impatient... and aggressive. He's incredibly exited and turned on, and this becomes obvious when he slips two digits into her pussy, she instantly bucked her hips up, and he chuckled.

He realised that she needed him in the same ways he needed her. His ego was fired up as he drove his fingers further in her, running his tongue over her clit until her grip on his hair became impossibly tight. 

"Enjoying yourself J-Joey?" Alice moaned.

She felt Joey chuckle, and that sent vibrations through her, making her moan his name. He'd fuck the brains out of her if he could, but he didn't want to break the bed. 

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