Sit, rot and enjoy it

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also so David Silveria was the drummer of korn from like 1993 to 2006, and since this is set in like... 2000, well there it is. 

Chapter inspired by Derriere Les Yeux De La Creation by Borgne. 



Alice didn't want to get up. Alice wanted to stay in her bed and never leave again. She simply groaned, rolling in her cot, covering her eyes. 

"Dude. Get up."

"NoOoOoo." Alice groaned, "Go away." 

She threw a pillow (her only one), hitting Nova, who rolled her eyes, throwing it back, though missing Alice. 

"Bro, get out of bed." Hector complained, and right after he did, a cacophony of voices was heard from all around the bus, from her various band members. From "bro get your ass up" to "move your fucking ass dumbass" could be heard all throughout the bus.

Alice was absolutely done. All she wanted was to sleep and just hide, the idea of seeing Joey, or any of those guys made her want to melt into the shadows and never come out. She screeched as Quartz dragged her out of her bunk by her legs, she landed with a loud thud on the floor.

"UP!" Quartz bellowed, pointing at the door, "You have five minutes to get your shit together! Or I swear to everything that is holy in this world I WILL BURN YOUR CLOTHES." 

Alice rolled her eyes, but she obeyed, getting up from the floor and heading to the bathroom. Nova looked over at Alice, her eyes shining with pity, Alice knew she looked like shit. Though she respected Quartz's deadline, she managed to get fully dressed, with makeup and all within the proper time frame. 

"So bro what's-" Hector started. 

"Do you have to talk to me?" Alice snapped back, she was mentally exhausted, pulling her hood up.

"Fucking emo ass-" Nova cackled as she and Spider high-fived. Alice simply rolled her eyes, not even listening to the rest of the conversation. 

After a couple hours of signing and picture-taking, Alice was finally free for the rest of the day. Though she knew she couldn't actually run around freely like her friends, she had to.. hide.

From Joey. 


He was still running around, she had turned her phone off the entire time, refusing to even look at it. She'd much rather gouge her own eyes out with a rusty ass spoon. 

And of course that didn't happen the way she wanted.

A very loud knock rang through the r-v, startling her. She first decided to fucking ignore it, she wasn't in the fucking mood for anything today. But as the knocking became somehow louder, and more insistent, she managed to drag herself to the door and open it... with the biggest scowl on her face. 

Which melted away as she stared at... Paul?

The fuck did he want??

"Paul?" She asked, frowning at his entire demeanour.

"Uh... Alice what's going on?" 

"The fuck do you mean?" 

"Joey's all fuckin' sad and pissed, so what happened?" Paul asked, "Chris told me 'bout what happened..." 

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