Breaking rank

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:) ( chapter inspired by 'Smells Blood' by Kensuke Ushio)

"Please stand on the marks on the floor." Said the photographer, she gestured towards the floor, where five red tapes were on the floor.

"Uh we're more than five though." Said Theo, as he looked at scene. The photographer grumbled, and just said:

"Just stand wherever, I just need a picture for the posters."

Alice nodded, walking on one of the red tapes, dragging Nova and Quartz. They all stood around Quartz and posed. It was quickly over, Alice felt bad for the photographer, she seemed so exhausted.

"You," she pointed towards Alice, "You're the drummer, right?"

She nodded.

"Then come, there's the drummer pictures right now." She left, and Alice followed closely behind her. She walked into another room, and of fucking course there was Jordison. Alice simply looked past him, ignoring him completely. A whole bunch of other people were around, and she headed over to John Otto, that she had befriended after the entire drama and fight that had happened with Limp Bizkit.

"Oh shit! How are you Alice?" he smiled, she smiled back, even if he couldn't see her face.

"I'm good, how 'bout you?"

"Doing great y'know, I heard about your little fight with Slipknot." He commented. She rolled her eyes.

"Really John?" she crossed your arms, her anger rose, "You just had to make a comment?"

"Couldn't stop myself." He laughed, "But you kinda started it."

"You don't think I know?"

"I have to say I'm surprised about the 'love' rumours though."

"Press always wants to dramatise everything." Alice answered, "And apparently helping someone out is a crime."

"Why did you talk shit about them and then ask for drumsticks?" he asked with a frown.

"I didn't know who it was!" she groaned, "I didn't have a choice."

John snickered, and they all took the picture. Thankfully she was on the opposite of Jordison, so she didn't need to interact with him. Alice quickly left, rejoining her changing room, that had turned into a battle ground.

"Hey," she called out as Nova and Hector were fighting, "HEY!"

They stopped, and they turned to look at her, freezing on the spot.

"What's going on? What happened in here?" she asked in disbelief.

"Nova made the mess!" shouted Hector.

"I did not!" she countered. And Hector opened his mouth to continue to argue but Alice interrupted them: 


They both looked taken aback by her outburst and they both stared at her:

"BOTH OF YOU ARE ACTING LIKE CHILDREN, FUCKING GROW UP." Alice shouted. She grabbed her gear bag and stormed out, slamming the door behind her. She was beyond angry, the entire tour had gone to shit because of those Slipknot idiots. She sat down on a bench, making sure she was alone to remove her mask. She rubbed her brow; she was furious about the entire situation. Alice started to rummage through her bag and she suddenly found something incredibly interesting:

"You've got to be fucking with me?" she grumbled as she stared at the drumsticks, the pink signature paint stared back at her. Alice chocked out a laugh, at least she had her drumsticks again. She let out an exasperated sigh.

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