You don't phase me

158 8 22

A/N: i hope you're all having a good day!

2303 words. (still no proofreading lmao sorry)

Chapter inspired by A.D.I.D.A.S by our besties Korn. 


Corey was waiting for Quarts (how adorable), she giggled as he kissed her knuckles and Alice nodded curtly towards him.

At least they were all on decent terms which was nice, Abyss was playing right after them, so Spider decided to stay back, Alice simply went back to the hotel (well Joey's hotel). She yawned as she sat on the little shuttle that would bring her to the hotel. The trip was rather short because there was no traffic. 

Joey was playing a video game on a game boy, he looked up as she walked in:

"You look tired." He commented. She yawned again:

"No shit, someone kept me up last night." She gave him a pointed look and Joey smirked.

"Well you seriously seemed to-"

Her phone buzzed and she shushed him as she saw that it was Spider. Joey feigned to be hurt, but he went back to his game. 


where are you??

--Alice in wonderland---

w/ Joey, why?


I fucked up

--Alice in wonderland--

What??? what did you do?

Alice was worried now, Joey looked at her:

"What's going on?"

"Spider said he fucked up, and now I'm scared... like... he's never really-Oh fuck." 

Alice read the text to Joey:

"Fucking hell, he says: 'I called Maze a bitch.' Oh my fucking god what an idiot!" Alice groaned. Joey snickered:

"Oh he's one dumb motherfucker." 

--Alice in wonderland--

Istg Spider you better have a very good excuse.


She wants me to move to the USA with her

Alice's eyes widened as she read the text... and Alice realised that that was going to be a topic she and Joey would have to talk about. 

--Alice in wonderland--

k thats gret but why'd u call her a bitch?? I don't get it


i'll explain to you tomorrow, but pls don't text her, i don't want her to be more angry. 

Alice groaned and tossed her phone on the bed, she decided to leave Spider on read, the mother fucker deserved it. 

"So? What happened?" Joey asked as he propped himself up onto his elbows. Alice huffed:

"Maze wants him to move to America." Alice says, she watched Joey's reaction carefully.

"Well yeah that's normal."

"No. Spider's french, Salvation is in France." Alice shook her head. "Our label is in France and everything, why would he have to move?" 

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