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chapter inspired by Soap by Melanie Martinez (i know thats not metal but fuck it.) 


'Oh shit,' Alice though, 'Of fucking course.'

"Hey Joey, she needs some drumming sticks." said Jim as he walked over to a small black haired man. He turned around and frowned, then reached into a bag and pulled out two drum sticks:

"Here," he handed them to you. "Which band are you with?"

"Thanks you so much, I owe you a pair, I drum for Salvation." Alice answered. There was something entrancing about his eyes. He smiled:

"Oh I know you guys."

"Oh really?" Alice asked. She was about to continue talking to him when her phone buzzed in your pocket:

- Super Nova-

 Where the fuck are you???? Our set starts soon!!!

Alice sighed:

"Thanks a lot for the sticks man, I really have to go though, my set is about to start."

He nodded:

"Ok, good luck."

Alice nodded and thanked Jim on her way out. She ran back to your changing room, changed quickly and grabbed her mask on her way out. Alice tightened her mask around her face, as she got to the backstage area. Nova was stretching, Quartz was drinking water, Jacob and Theo were both making sure they had extra pics with them. Spider arrived shortly after Alice, his bass with him. She smiled, Spider treated his bass like a mother would treat her baby. He refused to change it, he worshipped that instrument.

"You good?" Alice asked.

-I'm great, you?- he signed.

"I'm exited."

-You found sticks!-

"Yeah, I had to ask another drummer though."


"You're gonna laugh." she shook your head, "Remember that band that we kinda insulted earlier? Well that's their drummers sticks."

-Shit really?- Spider seemed to laugh. Of course he would, he was the less aggressive of the group, he didn't have any issues with anyone as long as things didn't get physical, then he would intervene.

"Yeah I can't say that was glorious." She stretched her arms over her head, Alice could hear the crowd chanting, and she approached Quartz:

"Fuck I love this." she whispered to Alice as they looked to the crowd.

"Yeah me too, I can't wait to be up there. "

"We will do an encore right?"

"I mean obviously if the crowd wants it."

Quartz rolled her eyes, but nodded. She grabbed Hectors hands as he grabbed Nova's, they did their usual before show ritual. They all gathered in a circle, just to say a couple words, to encourage each other. As the little circle ended and they separated, each of the band mates focusing on what they were about to do. As Alice turned around she saw the same tall man again, who stared at her without saying anything. Something about him made her uneasy, his attitude seemed to have drastically changed since she had seen him earlier.

Then Alice walked on stage as the crowd roared.


Alice jumped off the drumming stage, adrenaline flowing through her veins, and walked off with Nova as she jumped up and down. The show was over, the encore had been amazing, Nova had nearly burnt the cables that were hanging from the ceiling with her flame spitting. But other than that, everything had gone perfectly well.

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