I'll tear us apart

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Chapter inspired by Die My Bride by the Murderdolls. 


The fight didn't blow over.

Alice kept her head high as she passed Slipknot in the hotel, Joey was sitting with Paul and Chris, but Alice couldn't care less.

"Yo wonderland!" Quartz called out as she walked past her.


"Nova told me 'bout last night."

Alice rolled her eyes, she didn't want to talk about it.

"Good for you." Alice answered, grabbing her bags and climbing into the car. 


She slammed the door behind her, tearing the hearing aids off of her ears, and instead putting on her headphones. She didn't even want to talk to anyone. Spider looked at her with wide eyes:

'You okay?' He signed as he studied her.

'Fuck off.

Spider went to sign something again, but Alice simply looked out the window, refusing any sort of interaction. 

The car ride was filled with an uncomfortable silence. Alice stared out of the window, lost in her own thoughts. The events of the previous night replayed in her mind, stirring up a mix of anger and frustration. She clenched her fists, trying to push the memories away.

Nova was watching Alice carefully, she could see Alice clench her jaw repetitively, Nova was worried for her friend. 

As they arrived at the venue for the next performance, Alice stepped out of the car without saying a word. She ignored the concerned glances from her bandmates and walked straight towards the backstage area. She needed some time alone to collect herself.

Finding an empty dressing room, Alice shut the door behind her and collapsed onto a nearby couch. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart. The weight of the argument with Joey and the tension within the band weighed heavily on her shoulders.

Alice knew she couldn't keep avoiding the issue. She had to confront him and address all the underlying problems. Alice rolled off the couch, groaning to herself just as the door opened, letting most of her band in. She plugged her hearing aids back in, knowing that Quartz was about to berate her. 

"Alice." Quartz started.




Nova shook her head:

"Alice you gotta listen!"

"Non! Vous avez pas besoin de me faire chier!" ( No! You don't need to annoy me!)Alice shouted back. She pushed past them, as Jacob tried to call after her, she flipped him off.

Alice marched down a random corridor, she didn't even want to think about Joey. 

"Wow Alice you look... pissed." A voice interjected, Alice turned, facing Maze. Alice groaned:

"You have no idea."  

Maze chuckled and leaned against the wall, crossing her arms.

 "Well, if you need someone to like vent to, I'm all ears," she offered, her playful tone softening as she noticed the frustration etched on Alice's face. "Sometimes it helps to talk it out, you know?"

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