Oh darling, what have you done to me?

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TW: assault, self-harm, anorexia and some light ableism.

 There won't be any triggers in text so if that's not something you can stomach, please click to the next chapter or something. You are responsible for what you read. Have a wonderful day. and as always, comments are heavily appreciated. 

Chapter inspired by Never Forgive Never Forget by Scar the Martyr. 


Alice knew something was wrong as soon as she got to the dressing room. 

Spider had joined them outside, they had talked for a second, apparently Spider had seen a pretty hot chick in the crowd and he wanted to go talk to her. Hector and Theo made a couple light-hearted jokes about that. But nothing that was mean, after all, they were all good friends. Alice headed back early, she wanted to get some writing done before Slipknot came back and caused more chaos... 

But as she had sat down to write she heard noises in the bathroom. She got up to check what was going on... only for her to find Jacob, kneeling over the toilet. 

"Shit!" She cursed, she immediately grabbed his hair, keeping it from falling into his own vomit. His body trembled, for some god forsaken reason, he was shirtless, his skin looked even paler because of the harsh light of the bathroom. He was trembling, and as he stood up, Alice saw his face. 

How did someone go from looking perfectly normal to ghostly pale and sick was a mystery. 

"Jacob..." Alice whispered as she looked at him. His dark blue eyes were filled with tears and remorse. "Let's get you cleaned up okay?"

He nodded, he threw water on his face as Alice went to fetch him a new shirt. Jacob seemed to shrink, his usual broad and strong shoulders hanged low, his forehead was beaded with sweat and his eyes were sunken.

This was a completely different man, earlier he looked happy... and alive. Now... he was a shell of the person he had been. 

"What happened?" Alice asked quietly as he put the shirt on. "Is it... is it back?"

Jacob shook his head:

"It's not... I've been gaining weight."He gulped, "It's just a minor set back."

"Why did you purge then?" She asked as she handed him a towel for his face. Jacob sighed, Alice could tell he was conflicted, but he ended up by choosing to open up:

"It's control y'know? Why I have the pulsions to quit eating and all... I control nothing in my life, Cal is gonna leave me, we've got drama with another band, there's the new album videos to shoot... I feel like everything is spiralling." He chocked up, a single tear leaving his eye. "The food... that's the one thing I can control."

Alice felt awful for her friend, she knew what it was like, she had been affected by anorexia, especially when she was younger, but thankfully (and mostly thanks to therapy) she had managed to 'beat it'. 

"Is there anything I can do to help you?" She asked in a soft voice, she wanted to help her friend, but she wasn't sure how to. "Do you want me to make a meal plan? Or like eat with you..." 

Jacob shook his head, he explained that he could do this, he needed to do this on his own. Alice understood, but she decided to keep a closer eye on him. By the time they had finished talking, he had regained colour, and he stood up, he seemed better... at least he had gotten his feelings off his chest. 

"I'm gonna go eat." He said as he walked towards the door, "Quartz is still at the cafeteria right?"

Alice smiled at her friend as he slipped his mask on:

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