It's getting bad again

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(chapter inspired by: Lifeblood (feat Will Ramos) by Brand of Sacrifice) 


"Those aren't your usual sticks." Noted John as he accompanied Alice towards the stage.

"No shit sherlock." She sarcastically answered, rolling her eyes. But he was right, she had decided at the last minute to use the ones Jordison gave her. Alice wasn't sure why, but it would support the claim she had made earlier about "burying the feud". To be honest she wanted to stab Jordison in the face with said sticks... but that would get blood on her shoes. She didn't want that, she had your priorities straight.

Alice saw the stage technicians start running around again, which indicated that Shitknot had finished their set.

"Looks like it's gonna be your turn!" John observed as he stared at the stage. Alice could see from afar that they were starting to filter off the stage. She sighed:

"Yup. I gotta ask their bassist something though."

John looked at you with a curious look, and she obliged:

"He proposed to lend Spider his base... because... an accident happened."

John frowned:

"Accident? Did he break his base or something?"

Alice nodded slowly, she started tying her shoe that had become undone, resting her foot on one of the movable crates.

"How did Spider break it? Doesn't he make sweet, sweet love to it or something?" ironized John. Alice chuckled drily, he was right, Spider adored his base.

"There was a little issue with Slipknot, and the base broke." She answered, her finger slipped, making her groan because she had to restart the loop. He noticed:

"You nervous?"

"Nah, me nervous? HA! Never!" She laughed, and he patted her back.

As she finished up the loop, she lost her footing. The crate suddenly moved from under her foot, she narrowly avoided hitting her head on the crate. Alice looked up at John in disbelief who had caught her arm right before her face had hit the rim of the crate. Alice let out a shaky breath, trying to get herself back on her feet. But John's grip tightened around her arm. Alice heard a familiar cackle and as she looked up, she realised that it was Corey and Jim that had purposely moved the crate.

"Aw look at that! She needs her little boyfriend to save her!" cooed Corey sarcastically, she looked at them with hatred, the clown man walked over to Jim and Corey, staring Alice down. He seemingly mumbled something to them, and they all snickered and walked away.

"Oh shit." Said John in disbelief, "You really fucked with them that bad."

"I'm aware." Alice let out a shaky breath, her hands trembling slightly. She looked round for Paul, and John let go of her arm. He mumbled something about getting back to his friends and she barely nodded. Alice was really trying her best to ignore Slipknot and just continue on with her day, even if clearly they were looking for yet another fight.

Alice gulped as she saw who she assumed to be Paul, he had a pig like mask that kinda creeped her out. It contrasted with the man she had met the night before.

"Hey Paul." Alice shakily said, trying to assume a smile.

"You alright?" he asked, unstrapping his mask, god he looked stupid with the makeup half on. She laughed a bit when she saw the raccoon like makeup. He smiled, understanding why she was laughing.

"Are you laughing at me?" he asked, acting as if he was offended. Alice smiled:

"You look like a raccoon that took too much cocaine."

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