We'll mend this

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(also none of these truths/lies are correct, i made absolutely no research into these) 

The plan was stupid.

Alice was aware of that fact.

But it was Quartz's idea (aka her responsibility) so Alice didn't really care. She was painting her nails again, a dark red, at the same time, she was watching Slipknot slip onto the stage ( A/N: HA! GET IT??)

What was hilarious in her opinion, was how Joey danced on the seat right before the start of the set. He was on his seat... except that a sound guy had to hold his feet so he didn't fall, he looked so fucking dumb, as Joey gesticulated around, the man struggled and Alice snickered. She jumped slightly as Corey started to scream his lyrics and Quartz giggled as swung her legs.

"You're giggling like a teenager Quartz."

"Shut it Alice." She answered, not even glancing at her. "You're just pissed because my boyfriend is hotter than yours." 

Alice snickered:

"Yeah right, in your dream."

"Heyyy." Jacob said as he plopped himself next to Alice. "Watcha doing?"

"Watching Slipknot." Quartz answered, she smiled as Corey started to jump and down. Jacob sneered:

"They look dumb."

Alice rolled her eyes, and Quartz smacked Jacob. 

"Owwww." He complained, acting as if he was hurt. 

"So Jacob, what's happening with Sid?" Alice asked, turned her masked face towards him. Jacob seemed widely uncomfortable at her question:

"Nothing, he's an annoying idiot." 

Alice hummed, not believing a word:

"You were reallyyyy pissed that he was flirting with you."  

Jacob narrowed his eyes:

"Alice. What are trying to say?"

Alice smirked:

"You two are acting like teenagers that are crushing on each other but don't wanna tell one another."

Jacob groaned:

"I have standards Alice, I wouldn't even fuck an idiot like him."

"Yeah right, what happened with your last boyfriend hu?"

"Shut up." Jacob hissed, throwing a weak punch, Alice dramatically gasped and laughed. The three of them watched the concert in silence, Quartz was really into her boyfriends performance... Alice was nodding her head along to the beat as Joey was playing (incredibly well of course).

Alice sighed with contentment as Joey locked eyes with her, she like that man way too much.


The plan was in action. The door was locked from the outside, curtsy of Jonathan and Val (who had both laughed their asses off when Quartz and Alice had explained everything to them). Both Slipknot and Salvation were now stuck in a room together. Quartz's idea was simple, if it worked for Alice and Joey, why wouldn't it work for the rest of them.

Alice had immediately gravitated towards her boyfriend, grabbing his hand, interlocking their fingers. Alice huffed as Corey and Jacob snarled at each other.

Only for Quartz to 'tut' at him, and he shut his mouth, grumbling about how Jacob annoyed him. 

"Okay," Quartz clapped her hands, " let's play two truths and a lie."

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