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(language fun fact, "bite" in french translates to the slang word for dick.) 

Chapter inspired by Whore by In This Moment

A/N: I hate the way i ended this, sorry 


"Wait so you do like him?" asked Quartz, she was sitting crisscross, staring at Alice with a steaming cup of tea in her hand.

"I mean no, I just..."Alice hesitated, "I like the competition."

"Seriously?" Quartz asked, "I though you hated him."

"I do! I just like that there's someone to compete with." She repeated. 

"But do you... like like him?" Quartz asked again.

"Oh fuck no." Alice answered, pulling a disgusted face that made Quartz laugh. "He's too annoying."

"But he helped you yesterday." she counted, "Don't you think that's nice?"

"I mean yeah but that's basic human decency y'know." Alice shook her head, "Wouldn't you do the same?"

"No." She laughed, "I would point and laugh."


"Absolutely, fuck him." She sipped her tea. "You wanna know my opinion on this?"

Alice nodded, Quartz was always very honest, and she was a great friend, if she thought something was stupid, she would say so. 

"I think you're turned on by the fact that he's just as good as you are at the drums,"Alice reddened as she said that, "And I think you kinda like him."

Alice opened and closed her mouth in shock, she didn't expect Quartz to say that!

"I-" Alice stuttered and Quartz looked at her with a: 'I know I'm right' look. "You're wrong."

"Am I?" She mocked her, and Alice fumbled with her words again. She was saved by her phone vibrating:

--Super Nova--

'Which room u in?'

--Alice in wonderland--



'What drink do u want @Alice?'

--Alice in wonderland--

'Monster energy, blue one pls'


'get me one too'



And with that, the conversation was over. Alice stared at Quartz as she stared at her nails (what colour do you think they are? Take a wild fucking guess.) 

"Why do you think he helped you out?" She asked, "Especially after he lost his crap about Paul's base."

"I don't know I think he-" Alice started, and thank goodness someone knocked violently on the door. Alice sighed in relief and Quartz snickered, she opened the door to see Nova standing there with a giant grin across her face, Jacob right behind her.

" 'Sup bitches!" She sauntered into the room, and Jacob followed. "Hector is right behind us, he got drinks."

Alice nodded and Jacob flopped on the bed, groaning as he hit the soft pillows. 

"Watcha talking about?" asked Nova as she sat on floor next to Quartz. She looked at Quartz face and she smirked. "OOooOOh is it a crushhhh?"

Alice rolled her eyes but she smiled:

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