I wish you could let this anger go

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Proofreading is for the weak (not true, but im not responsible). 

but im thinking about doing smut in the next chapter, would that be something you're all up for? 

Also thank you all for the support y'all gave me abt the hospital! It means the world to me <3

Also thx to the commenters ily! 

Chapter inspired by The First Soldier by Sabaton. 


Alice sighed as she opened the door for Quartz, who was absolutely fuming. Apparently Spider had punched Sid, and then, after getting back to the trailer, he had punched Hector (Alice wasn't unhappy about that, she was just worried because Spider wasn't usually this violent). 

"I'm so done with all of this." Quartz said as she sat down on a chair. 

"I don't even understand what happened." Alice answered as she grabbed an energy drink. 

"What happened is that Spider is fucking stupid and he has a whore girlfriend-" Hector answered, holding up a cold beer over his eye. 

"You call Maze a whore one more time I'll fucking stab you Hector." 


"Why are you acting like this?" Quartz asked coldly. Hector didn't answer her, he just looked down at the floor in shame. After a moment he answered:

"I just don't want him to get hurt."

"It's his life Hector, you can't just... control everything."


"No. You don't get a say in his life." Alice interupted, "Hector, Spider is his own person, he gets to do what he wants with his life. If he wants to be with Maze, then he's going to be with her. And it's the same for Joey and I, and Quartz and Corey."

Hector seemed to think for a second, he wasn't the smartest (obviosuly). 

"But... I- I don't -"

"Hector." Quartz said sternly, "You have to let him live."

Alice nodded, and she finished her drink. Hector seemed like he wanted to say something, but he was thinking, and for once he very wisely kept his mouth shut.

Alice's phone buzzed:


'DUDE! matteo and theo slept together last night!'

--Alice in wonderland--

'bro i know! LMAOOOOO'


'he's litterally wearign theos shirt rn'

--Alice in wonderland--




Alice laughed to herself, Theo was probably overjoyed. Alice wanted to keep an eye on them though. 


Alice was sitting on yet another crate (she wanted some peace and quiet) she was listening to some music, trying her best to just... ignore everything. She was just waiting for the rest of her band to be ready so she could go to the bus and disappear. 

Though somebody appeared on her left, and thankfully it was Joey:

"Hey." She said quietly as she removed her earbuds.

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