Say you'd die for me.

171 9 88

So this chapter might be a bit weird, im sick and exhausted. unfortunately my illness is being a complete cunt so yay, also... kissy kissy in this chapter so yeah.

and as always, comments are incredibly appreciated!

Chapter inspired by Y'all want a single by Korn

so not proofread bc haha why would i? if you see a mistake pls point it out! thank you!


Spider and Maze had gone off to do an interview, and Alice was roaming around the backstage area, while Slipknot was onstage (or maybe they had just gotten offstage, she hadn't checked). 

"Alice!" She heard someone call behind her, it was Paul. He caught up with her, he was sweaty and his makeup was still on. Alice smiled at him, which wasn't very visible because of her mask but whatever right. 

"Hey Paul! How are you?" She said. "I saw a segment of you onstage, you're pretty dam good." 

Paul seemed to blush, he bashfully said:

"Ah-uh thank you!" He shook his head though, "So how are you?"

"I'm doing great..." She wasn't sure if Joey had officially told him about the two of them... even if he had seen them kiss. "Do you need something."

"Yeah actually, so... Joey and you?" he hesitated. Alice sighed, she wasn't exactly sure what to answer, but she smiled nodded:

"Yeah." She breathed out, "It's been since that one time we saw you." 

"Oh. So... it is true." 

"Did Joey not tell you?!" Alice looked at him in horror. 

"No,"Paul shook his head, "He got drunk a while ago and he told me that it was like... real and not just to piss people off. I just wasn't sure." 

Alice nodded:

"Does anyone else know yet?"

"No just me." 

"Keep it a secret please." She begged, "I seriously cannot deal with any of my band-mates knowing." 

Paul nodded and they separated as he got a phone call from who-ever. Alice headed back-towards her dressing room. She turned a corner and she nearly fell over as someone grabbed her hand, she squeaked as she was shoved in a broom-closet. She quickly turned around, she was scared for a second, but she relaxed as she noticed Joey's sweaty ( still fucking handsome) face. 

"Joey!" She smacked him across the chest, she was giggling though, "What is wrong with you?!"

He smirked, his hair was a mess, his mask was halfway on, and the way he smiled... god that made Alice feel things. He lifted her mask gently.

"Aw did I scare you?" He laughed as he pecked her cheek, she softly grabbed his face as her back hit the wall:

"Absolutely not..." She mumbled against his lips, she kissed him, he wrapped his left arm around her and his drumsticks loudly dropped to the floor. His now free right hand gripped her thigh. Alice groaned against his mouth, and Joey was about to get rid of her shirt when the door opened and light flooded the cramped room:

"Oh shit!" Alice heard, she pushed Joey away as hard as she could, snapping her head towards the light. Joey's back hit a shelf, making two buckets topple over, one falling right on his head.

Maze stood in the doorway, mouth agape. Her eyes wide as saucers. 

"Maze- I..." Alice's became bright red, and it became worst as Joey groaned and took the bucket off his head. 

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