Wanna rot together?

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A/N: again, thx to the commenters, yall are keeping this fic alive lmao (also yall are funny)

Chapter inspired by Eyeless by Slipknot


Alice knew Spider had spent the night with his girlfriend, he went on a rant about her (mother fucker really liked her, he also loved the way she said his last name... Maze apparently completely butchered it, but he adored her pronunciation) He told her all about how they cuddled and all, which made Alice roll her eyes... but she was happy that he had found someone that didn't judge him, especially  because of his scar. In the past he had some shit relationships, especially the last one, Sofia.... god what a cunt. She had tried to force him to leave the band... 

Thankfully he had gotten out. 

"So you really like her?" Alice asked as she brushed her hair. She was looking at Spider through the bathroom mirror. He stuck his pierced tong out. 


Alice stuck her tongue back at him, making him chuckle. He was wearing a tank top, his hair up in a weird man bun. He had really come out of his shell... mostly thanks to Maze. 

"Wait did you change your piercing?" Alice asked as she turned around, Spider nodded, sticking out his tongue again. Alice gently grabbed his face. He used to have a silver little ball, but now it was a... little silver spider! 

"Oh my god I love it!" Alice exclaimed, Spider smiled, a knock resonated, and he went to answer the door as Alice slipped a shirt on. 

Nova strutted in, she was in sports clothes, this psychopath had gone to the hotel gym with Jacob. Jacob followed closely behind her Alice wolf whistled at his sight:


Jacob groaned when he heard her, his toned chest glistened with sweat.

"I need to use your shower, mine isn't fucking working." He answered, holding up a towel. Alice nodded, and he walked over to the bathroom she had just been occupying. 

Nova and Spider started to chat about Maze, and Nova insisted about meeting her again. 


Alice ran to the dressing room, she just hoped that Joey was around... and thankfully he was there. But so was the rest of Slipknot, Joey hesitated, and Alice did as well. She decided it was probably a bad idea to just... kiss him in front of everyone. So she just migrated towards the table with her stuff on it. 

The rest of her band walked in, Nova had a nasty snarled under her mask. Spider sat down next to Alice, he got a text and he suddenly got up again:

-I'm gonna go see Maze.-

Alice nodded, Quartz followed him out. She apparently wanted to talk with Maze a little, Alice knew that Quartz was going to do the 'nice' play... just to make sure that Maze really had good intentions. They all knew that unless everyone approved of Maze, Spider wouldn't actually fully go out with her... they were family after all (it sounds very dramatic, but this was all they had, Jacob was disowned because he was gay, Hector's family had returned to Izrael and he rarely saw them, Theo didn't speak to his parents anymore, Quartz only had her mom and brother left and Nova wasn't on very good terms with her own family. Alice was the only one with her entire family left, even though they didn't fully approve of her job, they were still there for her.) For now Nova liked her, Alice was still on the fence, Jacob liked, Hector and Theo were still waiting to formally meet her. 

As soon as the door closed behind them, it opened again and the Korn men walked in (hilarious). Nova smiled as Brian and Jonathan walked over to her, they started to talk about random ass shit. 

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