In the lions mouth

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The chaos started immediately. Nova couldn't find her sticks anymore, Quartz ruined her favourite pink fishnets and to add even more stress to the equation, Alice couldn't find her drumsticks. They were all gone, she had about twelve with her for this tour, but for some reason, they had just disappeared.

"NOVA!" She shouted through the dressing room, "DID YOU TAKE MY STICKS?"

"NO!" She heard Nova shout from the bathroom. She was looking through her things, to find her own sticks.

"I FOUND THEM!" Alice  heard her shout from the bathroom. Alice jumped up and rushed to the door:

"You found my sticks?!" She asked excitedly. Nova shot her a weird look:

"No, I found mine, and thank god because this is literally my only pair."

Alice groaned:

"Fuck. Do you know if there's any other drummers around?"

"Eh, probably, there might be the band that's performing tomorrow."

"Why would they be here so early?"

"How would I fucking know?" Nova got her cosmetics bags, and she walked back to the changing room to get herself ready. Alice sighed, she walked out of the room, knowing no one would recognise her without her gear and her mask. Alice walked around for a minute until she bumped into a very tall man, who was probably just as tall as Spider.

Alice knew she didn't have many options. This man had a "band pass" around his neck so she assumed he was part of some sort of band. And her mother always said: "It doesn't hurt to ask.", Alice hated it when her mother was right. But in this case, she really needed the sticks.

"Uh hey man, quick question, would you happen to have drumsticks?" Alice asked, awkwardly standing there as he finished his drink. He looked at her hesitantly, not sure what to do.

"Why?" he asked, he looked down at her, seeing the band pass.

"Uh my sticks are gone, I think they might have gotten lost in transit or something." Alice answered

"I'm not sure but I can ask our drummer if he has any spares." The man answered and gestured towards the door behind him.


"I'm Jim."

"Pleasure, I'm Alice." she answered, she followed him into the room, and as she passed by the door, she saw the name of their band: 'Slipknot'.

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