The Gods are watching, so give them a good show

170 5 18

Chapter inspired by 197666 by the Muderdolls, which btw is amazing. 

tw: spelling mistakes, not proofread sorry


Alice was pacing back and forth, completely panicked. She had a look of pure horror. Hector and Nova were  both having a laughing fit in the corner, all while she was on the edge of having a meltdown. 

"I can't believe this is happening." She mumbled, her hair had been rinsed again, and she was letting it air dry. Quartz watched her pace back and forth, an amused smile on her face. They were all taking this way too well, Alice was angry and scared. Spider didn't give a shit, he was just reading through one of the magazines. When Jacob had seen the picture he had become beyond angry, but thank goodness he had calmed down a bit. Alice was pretty sure he nearly had a heart attach. She stared at the music/drama magazine that was in your hands. 

The cover was a picture of Jordison and her. And of course, it was just her luck that whomever took the picture, had taken it right as she had leaned towards him. The magazine read a big title: "Star-crossed lovers?!", which was a reference to the interviews both of their bands had done where they stated they hated each other. Alice groaned and she threw her head back, hitting the wall. 

Quartz patted your thigh reassuringly:

"Hey it's fine, you'll be fine."

"No!" Alice answered, "I won't!! People think I'm fucking him!"

"Do you actually care?"

"Yes!" She exclaimed, "This is horrible!"

"It's not that bad!" Quartz tried to reassure her, "Press is press." 

Alice shot her a glare:

"Don't even start with me." She threatened as she used the expression she used all the time. 

Nova had finally calmed down, Hector was still occasionally giggling and Theo just seemed amused. As they all started to protest, Alice left Quartz's room, slamming the door behind her. She headed towards hers, her hair dripping cold water on the floor. After not even two minutes of silence in her room, her phone buzzed. She rolled her eyes, knowing that it was one of her friends, and she was right, it was Spider:


'You good?'

--Alice in wonderland--

'Yeah, shit's annoying tho'


'Wanna talk about it?'

--Alice in wonderland--

' i'll be fine, thx Spider tho'

Just as she finished her sentence, she heard a slow knock. She guessed it was him, so she opened the door. He smiled sadly at her:

-Does that really annoy you?-

"Yes! Obviously!" Alice answered, letting him in. "How would you feel if someone took a picture of you, then started rumours that you're fucking a man that you hate?"

-Hate?- He signed surprised, -Hate is a strong word.-

"Yeah well I feel strongly." Alice answered clumsily. Spider smiled, understanding what she meant:

-You sure it's not jealousy or something?Or maybe something else...

Alice groaned in anger: 

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