Imagine a world where we're happy

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also, my health is going downhill, so much so that im gonna ask a friend to keep you guys posted, like... i might die lmao. but i'll tell you by the end of the week

Still no proofreading lmao sorry 

Chapter inspired by Head Bangerrrrrrrrr! by BABYMETAL


 Alice was silent for a second:

"Alice is everything okay? Did Nova say something or-"

"Hector knows." 


"Yeah, he's drunk." 

"What did he say?"

"He called me a whore." 

"That motherfucker?! Seriously?" Joey looked pissed off, and Alice explained everything Hector had said, and Joey seemed to get progressively angry. 

"Anyways, if I go near him I 'm going to stab him so..." 

"You should, it would teach him a lesson." 

Alice laughed and kissed him on the cheek, and Joey smiled:

"Wanna get something to drink?"

"Are you asking me on a date?" Alice answered, fanning her face. 

He smirked:

"Will you give me the honour-"

Alice grabbed his hand and interrupted him, they walked off, and of course a press member snapped a picture of the two holding hands. But for once Alice didn't care. She just wanted to enjoy her wonderful boyfriend, and she also wanted to spite Hector.

Because that was what she lived for.



American milkshakes were absolutely amazing. Alice couldn't deny that. 

Joey had brought her to a cat cafe in the centre of Boston, and they had been seated rather quickly. A giant black fat cat had plopped itself right in the centre of the small wooden table, Joey laughed, and Alice responded:

"Oh it's you but... fat." 

"Oh great Alice, thank you." Joey ironised, sticking his tong out. He ordered a coffee, while Alice ordered a milkshake (with extra whipped cream because obviously). As they waited for their orders, they talked about various things, until the conversation turned towards Salvation:

"So you saw that photographer right? When we were leaving?" 

"Yup." Alice popped the 'p'. "This is how everyone finds out." 

"Paul knew."Joey seemed to think for a second, "And I think I told Corey when I was drunk once."

"He has a very punchable face." Alice commented as she patted the cats head. Joey snorted, but he nodded in agreement. Alice checked her phone, ignoring the fifty two messages from Hector, Salvation's set was right before Abyss's, which was before Slipknot's. "We gotta head back in forty minutes." 

"Already trying to get away from me?" Joey asked sarcastically as he drank his coffee. Alice smirked as she did the same with her milkshake:

"Much to Hector's dismay, I actually enjoy your presence." She answered, putting on a fake British accent, shaking her head to the side. A small white cat rubbed it's head on her leg. She was thankful she could take a break from the mask for a bit. She sipped her milkshake as Joey continued to talk about the Hector situation.

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