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tw for violence, also french?

chapter inspired by "Ai ha Kimi no mono" by broken by the screams


Hector pushed back the tattoo face guy with a shout, a punch came out of nowhere, hitting Jacob who stumbled backwards. Spider immediately sprung into action, he shoved Jim away from Hector, who immediately retaliated with a punch.

Quartz tried to make them stop, but she as shoved away by the giant man. This didn't go too well with Theo, because as Quarts ducked, he (attempted) to punch the man, who seemed barely fazed by him.

Alice gasped when Corey rammed into Jacob who stumbled back. His elbow hit the crash cymbal of her drum, making a dull sound. She didn't want to get herself involved in this, so she just stared at the mess.

Tattoo man had grabbed Nova's hair, she turned around violently, she had a hell of a right hook. The man stumbled away, his back hitting Spider's base. Alice stared in horror as the base went crashing down, it was clearly damaged. The room became silent as Spider looked at his instrument in pure horror.

Tattoo man seemed to understand that something was incredibly wrong because he turned around, looking fearfully at Spider who towered over him.

"Et merde." (Well shit) Alice whispered to herself, she pushed herself off the wall. She knelt next to Spider, who had removed his mask to look more clearly at the damage. Alice could see the tears welling up in his eyes. His base was cracked right in the middle, exposing the insides of the guitar. He suddenly got up, still without his mask, he turned around towards the Slipknot men. Whose eyes were going up and down between the instrument and him.

"Hey man Sid didn't-" Jim's voice died out as he saw Spider's face, it was the first time in a very long time that anyone had seen his scared face, and it always had that type of effect on people. Alice guessed that tattoo man was Sid.

"Spider, s-il te plait ne fait rien de con."(Spider, please don't do anything stupid) Alice begged in French, knowing that he fully understood what she was saying. He stared at Sid, who was far smaller than him:

"Yo man I didn't mean to do that, but c'mon-" Sid spoke, but Spider didn't let him finish, he punched him. Sid went flying, his head snapping back violently, and his body fell. Spider looked down at the unconscious man with disgust. Jim shouted something that didn't register in Alice's head, she just pulled Spider back behind her, she stood between the two giants.

"STOP IT!" she shouted, as Spider glared holes in Jim's head. Both ready to fight it out, Alice placed a hand on Spider's arm. "C'est vraiment pas une bonne idée, tu le sais." (It's really not a good idea, you know it)

Everything seemed to calm down for a moment, both bands separated, and they had dragged Sid away. He was barely coming back to his senses; he was grumbling about various things. Alice sighed out of relief, at least he was alive. Jim backed down a bit as the other tall man with black hair grabbed his arm and pulled him back. Jim followed them out, and Alice looked over at Jacob.

Jacob's face was already red from being angry, but his eye was already swelling up. Nova's face was also starting to bruise, and Hector was spitting blood out. Quartz immediately grabbed Nova's face inspecting every inch of it, making sure she was alright, Alice did the same with Hector.

"Alice." Quartz called out. She turned around, "Do we still have that first aid kit?"

"Yeah but it's in the changing room. I'm not risking walking out there and getting caught by nine dudes." Alice answered, pressing her fingers on Hector forehead and he hissed.

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