My blood and your empty eyes

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Chapter inspired by Snuff by Slipknot.

(that i saw them in concert the other day, holy shit they were amazing)


Alice stared at her drumsticks, well they weren't technically hers.

They were Joey's.

Because of course her things mysteriously went missing (it was Nova's doing, she was sure of it). Alice sighed, sipping her energy drink, she really needed it... she had barely slept  in between shows, and she kept ignoring everyone.

Even Maze.

Even Val.

Literally everyone. 

She kept sulking into a corner, like an "emo" child as Nova loved to say. But she didn't care, she was fuming and... well sad. She knew that what she said to Joey was probably the worse thing... like ever. 

It had been six days since the fight, Maze had tried to contact Alice, but Alice had told her to "fuck off". 

Hector, Theo and Jacob all tried to stage a sort of... 'intervention', which failed miserably when Alice removed her hearing aids and refused to look at their signs. She continued to play her parts perfectly, although she refused to interact with the band. She kept doing the meet and greets and no one could tell.

"Yo wonderland, we're meeting up with Korn tonight... they're inviting us for drinks." Theo said as he opened the curtain divider in the small tour bus. Alice moved in her cot, she turned around, facing him:


"Alice is coming! She has to!" They both heard Quartz shout from the front of the bus. "Get your sorry ass out of bed Alice!" 

Alice groaned as Theo snickered, he moved and Alice got her "sorry ass out of bed". She got dressed in her usual clothes, black shorts, a darkthrone shirt, pink nail polish and her usual bullet belt.

She walked out of the bus as everyone waited for her, and she rolled her eyes as Hector laughed:

"Dam Alice! Who you' fuckin' tonight?"

"Shut it Hector." Alice answered and Hector slung his arm over her shoulders, cracking jokes with Jacob as they all walked over to the Korn room. As they were a couple steps away, Quartz whipped around, her vibrant pink hair flashing as she moved:

"All of you behave!" She hissed, her eyes flashing with warning, then she smiled sweetly, "Love y'all!" 

Alice smiled lightly as she saw Val and Jonathan be... all over each other. The band split up to different spots, and Alice went over to sit with Val and Jon.

"How are you two?" She asked quietly. Val studied Alice, then they smiled:

"Great actually! Jon got on the cover of Kerrang!!"

"Oh that's super cool, congrats man." Alice answered. 

As the night wore on, the drinks flowed freely, and the atmosphere became lively with laughter and music. Alice found herself trying to blend in, pretending to enjoy the company, but deep down, she felt a sense of emptiness gnawing at her. 

She hated to say it but she missed Joey. 

A lot.

Especially when she saw Corey and Quartz sneak off, or when she saw Spider and Maze silently laugh together. 

"Well like Slipknot is around here y'know." Val interjected, "You could try to patch things up with Joey."

Alice sighed:

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