Touch me again, and I'll bite your hand off

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 Btw, thank you to the people that comment and to those who leave likes, it means the world to me, and tbh it gives me the motivation to write :) 

Chapter inspired by Of the Abyss by Lorna shore ( can you tell that i love them) 


Alice didn't know what to do. She stared at the ceiling of her hotel room, Jacob had gone out, he was calling his boyfriend. Again. 

She had seen Nova right before she had left for the hospital, she was going to be fine, the drugs were out of her system but the doctor had wanted her to go... just in case. She would be back in time for the set tomorrow... well it was already tomorrow... if that makes any sense. She grumbled as she tossed and turned in her bed, she just wanted to sink deep in the matress and disappear for the next two or three days. 

But of course that wasn't an option. 

She turned for what felt the millionth time... She closed her eyes again, she sighed, her body felt heavy and she just decided to not move again and at least try to sleep. 

Alice sat straight up.  

She heard the door open, warm light flooded the room and Jacob walked in, his face tired and worn.

"You alright Jacob?" She asked as she started to slip out of the bed. 

"Cal is being... bitchy." He answered as he sat next to her. His dark blue eyes were troubled, he looked so tired. 

"What's happening?" She asked as she took his hand. 

"He doesn't trust me, he thinks I'm cheating on him." Jacob sadly shook his head. Alice smiled sympathetically, relationships were difficult when they kept travelling. 

"Is he threatening to break up with you?" She asked. He slowly nodded, a tear escaped his stormy eyes, after the day they had had, he was exhausted. 

"Wanna cuddle?" Alice asked, she knew Jacob wasn't always fond of physical contact, but sometimes he could be in the mood. He sniffled... and nodded. He melted in her arms, and they both attempted to sleep... and thankfully they managed. 

--Timeskip bc i can and i will--

Alice smacked her phone that was blaring her alarm, she groaned as she tried to move. But something was weighing her down. As she blinked, she remembered that Jacob had slept in the same bed... his face was pressed on her stomach, his hair cascading all around him. 

"Jacob." She gently stroked his hair, enjoying how soft it was. "Jacob wake up." 

He grumbled, his arms tightening around her.

"C'mon Jacob." She chuckled and he literally melted off her. She got up as he somehow shoved himself further in the bed. Alice walked over to the bathroom, she shielded her eyes as the cold white lights flickered on. She looked at herself in the mirror.... 

'Why do I look so much like shit?' She wondered to herself. 

Her makeup had smudged, especially her eyeliner... she looked like a panda on heroin. Alice quickly cleaned herself off and she jumped in the shower.

--Theres gonna be a whole bunch of timeskips bc theyre great.--

"You gonna eat that?" Quartz asked as she stuffed her face with her tenth waffle. Alice stared at her, she was at her first waffle. 

"Yes." Alice stated, her mouth full. Quartz groaned, the hotel apparently had a ten waffle limit... which heavily upseted her. Theo sat down as well, he was eating a fruit bowl, they all looked equally as exhausted. 

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