I'll bleed for you... for us.

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there'll be smut at one point... I think? idk im lazy and i don't wanna write now, so maybe in the next chapter or two. also this isn't proof read, so yeah and there might be slight mods made later

Chapter inspired by Creeping Death by Metallica.


Two fucking months. 

That was way too long in Alice's opinion.

She had gone back to the South of France after that Festival, and she had stayed in contact with her boyfriend (obviously), but it was shit. She wanted to hug and kiss him, she wanted to simply spend time with him. Smith (for those of you with early Alzheimer, that's their manager) had booked them an American tour for the summer, which would last three months, they had many joined dates with Abyss, Slipknot, Korn and Limp Bizkit. Which was going to be... interesting. 

She stretched her arms as she walked out of the hotel, Spider was all over the place, the man was bouncing off every wall. He was going to see his girlfriend again, and the man was ecstatic. 

Jacob had kept quiet about Alice and Joey, she made him promise to not tell anyone until she was ready... he agreed too... thankfully. Or else the band might have lost their minds. 

He had completely ignored Alice for two week straight, he had refused to even look at her. But she had cornered him in the practice room, forcing him to talk to her:

"Jacob we have to talk about this!" Alice was ashamed that it had come down to this. Jacob looked at her with disgust... and he snapped at her:

"What. What do you want to talk about?!" 

Alice was taken aback by his tone, but he continued:

"You wanna talk about how you lied?! How you went around all of our backs? How you let him play on stage instead of you?!" He sounded so incredibly angry. 

"Jacob..." Alice started, but she stopped as she saw his eyes water:

"Alice I thought you trusted us... I thought you trusted me?" He sounded hurt, and Alice understood why.

"Jacob please listen to me." She softly said. Jacob hesitated, but he gave in, he sat down on the floor and Alice joined him.

"You better have a excellent fucking excuse." He grumbled. Alice sadly chuckled, but she explained everything, all her feelings, all her actions and everything she regretted about the Joey situation. 

Jacob took it all in, he slowly nodded as Alice continued her story, Jacob laughed when she mentioned the fights. As she finished her story Jacob looked over at her:

"But why didn't you tell me?" He asked softly, "This changes everything y'know?"

Alice nodded slowly, she knew it would have been better to tell them but she was still scared of their reaction. A silence settled between the two friends.

"So... You gonna tell the rest of them?" He asked, breaking the silence.

"Oh god no, imagine their reactions." Alice fake gagged. "They'd lose it." 

"So you want me to keep it secret?" He asked, and Alice in return, she made the ASL sign for "Secret", she put her right fist up to her lips, tapping the back of her thumb twice to her lips. Jacob smiled, and he did the same. This was their way to promise each other to keep something quiet. They had always done this since they were five, hundreds of secrets had gone under this promise, and Alice wasn't one to break a promise. 

And neither was Jacob.


They were sharing a changing room with Abyss, which Alice was happy about because this meant that Spider would shut the fuck up about Maze (if he said her name one more time she would burn and/or stab someone). Spider had just gone off to see her (thank fucking god) and Theo had just gone off to the changing room. Nova was currently dying her hair a turquoise blue, and Quartz had gone off to god knows where.

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