We can reach the gods

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A/N: I have decided that this book will have 60 chapters, and that'll be it. Yay. 

Also still no proofreading but you guys are used to this at this point. 

Chapter inspired by Shadow Self by Face Yourself. 


The interview was stressing Alice out. She rarely did them, and usually they didn't end well. This time, she was even more fidgety, playing with her silver rings as Joey sat next to her.

He was just as hyper and nervous, his leg bouncing up and down, making quick tapping noises against the concrete floor. They were both in gear, Joey had changed into his jumpsuit and he had put his mask on while Alice had been muttering curses at him. 

"So, hello! Thank you Joey and Alice for joining me, can I call you that?" The interviewer asked, and the both of them simply nodded, "Perfect, I'm Jane!"

Alice nodded and the interviewer started to grill Joey with questions about the Slipknot tour, and about the upcoming Murderdolls tour that was supposed to happen the next year. For a solid five minutes, the bitchy interviewer ignored her. Something was odd about the interviewer... Alice swore she had seen her before. Then, she swiftly turned towards her:

"And you Alice! It must be so incredible to be doing constant sell-outs!"

"Uh-" She was suddenly aware that Joey was looking at her, "Yeah, I mean, we're so thankful for our fans. Without them... it'd be impossible." 

Alice smiled under her mask, and Jane didn't even seem to care. Of course, everyone knew why Joey and her were there.

Not to be all pretty looking, or to answer questions about tour or music. But to be there to announce their relationship, Alice didn't like the idea of being put on display like some sort of... circus animal.

"So." Jane suddenly smiled devilishly, "We've all heard the rumours, and a little birdie told me you two are... dating?" 

Jane leaned forwards, Alice got an eyeful of the woman's impressive... set. Alice quickly spared a look towards Joey, only to find him looking right back at her. they locked eyes awkwardly. 

A giggle escaped her lips. But she refrained herself:

"I'd love to know who your source is?"

If they were going to do this, Alice wanted to know who had snitched, so she could bite them afterwards. Jane smirked:

"Let's make a deal, you tell me what I want to know, and I'll spill."  She leaned back again, and Alice nodded, shushing Joey as he started to protest. Alice and Jane both stared at each other, tension had formed itself in the room in a blink of an eye, and Joey squirmed next to Alice. 

Jane smirked:


"What d'you wanna know?" Alice asked, tilting her head up. Joey stared at the two in confusion, poor man didn't understand what was happening. Jane gestured towards Joey, as if he was only a prop in the conversation:

"Is it true that the two of you are dating?" Jane looked at her with hungry eyes, like a vulture waiting for the final breath of an animal. Alice's eyes darkened:


Jane grinned, and she looked at Joey for confirmation, he simply nodded. The woman in front of them was squirming with jubilation, she knew this story was worth a lot:

"How did you two meet? Has this been going on since the beginning? Have the hatred and fights all been a lie-"

"One question at a time no?" Alice ironised as Joey grabbed her hand, locking their fingers together. 

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