Know your enemy

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( chapter inspired by 'Know your enemy' by Rage Against the Machine, one of my all time favourite bands and song)

(also im aware that the stick thing isn't an actual thing! I'm doing this for the plot)


The interview immediately went wrong. Obviously, because why would anything be normal?

The interviewer of course started to ask questions about Slipknot, because of course. Why not.

"So Slipknot has answered you and-"

"Yeah we know." Interrupted Jacob, "And they need to shut the fuck up. Seriously, our band started out first, we are just better."

The interviewer nodded, he jumped on the opportunity to get his story. He knew that this story would get his stupid article sold.

"They aren't that good, it's obvious. If they have to insult us in order to get in the press then they're pathetic." Jacob continued, waving his hands around.

"But they did help you out right?" asked the interviewer.

"How?" Alice frowned, but she knew exactly what he was talking about.

"Joey Jordison gave you his drumsticks, that's what they said."

"Yeah. I'm aware. I didn't know who they were, to me it was just another band." She leaned back. "I don't care. I mean, I must say thank you publicly, Jordison was helpful."

Jacob groaned:

"Yeah but still, if we see them again it's on sight."

She rolled your eyes.

"He doesn't mean-"

"Yes I do." Jacob cut you off. "And I'd love to see them again, because I'd stomp their fucking heads in."

"...Christ..." Alice mumbled.

"And they're honestly not worth shit. Especially their drummer... or their singer. Or honestly any of them." Jacob continued to dig his grave. She just sat there, helplessly.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you Mr Jacob," the interviewer interrupted, he turned towards her, "But are you actually feuding with Slipknot, or are you and Jordison... a thing? Because it is rather rare that drummers give each other their sticks... and here it actually means that they love each other. "

Alice stared at the interviewer, and Jacob froze. She closed and opened her mouth for a couple seconds.

"Wait. Do you think Jordison and I... you... you think that we're together or something?" She asked in disbelief. "Like in love?"

The interviewer nodded.

"Uh.. no. Absolutely not." She responded, "I don't like him, I didn't know it was him the other day when I asked him for help."

"Why would you assume that she likes him? Honestly can't women ask for help without being treated like objects? She had no sticks and she wouldn't have been able to play!" Jacob continued on in his rant, his anger apparent.

"Uh... Jacob?" Alice asked, he stopped his rant and turned towards her. "Maybe let's stop with this, and talk about actually interesting things, like the tour, the album..."

Jacob nodded and the interview turned to a better side of things. Thankfully without another reference to Slipknot.


"Quartz, we are never doing another interview. Like ever am I clear?" Alice said as soon as she got back to the changing room.

"Why? What happened?" Quartz asked worriedly, she had a purple skincare face mask stuck on her face, with her hair up in a very messy bun.

"Jacob said, and I quote: 'I want to see them again, cause I'd stomp their fucking heads in.' Jacob is seriously adding fuel to the fire, we don't need this shit."

Quartz looked exasperated:

"We're in some deep shit."

"Why? I mean we're never going to meet them again?" Alice took her mask off. "It's going to be really annoying though, to deal with the press and the fans that are going to be annoying but y'know..."

Quartz fell dramatically on the couch, letting out an even more dramatic sigh:

"There's a festival in two weeks that just booked us... Slipknot will be there. And they're playing right before us."

"You're fucking with me?" Alice asked in disbelief.

"I wish."

She groaned and joined Quartz on the couch.

"I'm so sorry. I honestly don't understand what happened, I just said that I didn't want to be compared to them simply because they also wear masks."

"It was on Hector, like every. Single. Time."

They both sighed, at the same time, and they both laughed.

"Well shit, we're gonna have to keep them all apart." Quartz breathed out as she laughed again.

"I have no idea how the fuck everything is going to happen." She smiled. "Honestly if this didn't involve all of us I would be very entertained."

"Yeah..." Alice agreed. Quartz then got up to take care of her face mask. Then Alice got up as well, going to the chest that had all of her gear, she wanted to find her dam sticks, she didn't want to use Jordison's anymore, because... well obviously.

And she couldn't.

Like at all, including the bag that she usually put them in. Alice groaned, it was ridiculous, where the fuck did those dam sticks go? Did they grow a pair of fucking tiny wooden legs? And run away? Fuck.

"You ok Alice?" interrupted Nova's voice. "I heard the interview took an interesting turn..."

Alice groaned comically:

"Don't even start."

"So you and Jordison uh? Dam, you kept the secret really well." Nova chuckled as she sat next to you on the floor.

"Yeah I kept so well that I didn't know about it." Alice said sarcastically. Nova laughed in response.

"Well, at least Jacob couldn't go on a 'oh ima beat them up' rant."

"Oh no he did." Alice laughed, "He always does anyways so..."

Nova laughed as well. They both started to talk about the tour, and especially about how the hell they were supposed to keep everyone apart when they knew that Jacob was going to want to tear into them.

"Remember the time he threw your crash cymbal on that dude from... what was the band called?"

"Oh my god I had forgotten about that! It was.. Limp Bizkit I think." Alice laughed. 

That had been a hell of a festival. A couple years ago, your band had done a festival with many different bands, including Limp Bizkit, it had ended relatively badly because one of them insulted Jacob, and instead of not doing anything or even just insulting him back. Jacob decided to unscrew one of Alice's cymbals and throw it like a Frisbee towards the members of that band. It had done some damage... and she had to hold Jacob down as the other band held their own member down. It was a mess.

"God I really don't want that to happen again."

" 'Bout what?" asked Hector as he walked in. "Oh is it about Jacob loosing his shit again?"

"Yeah." Alice answered, Nova took her shoes off, massaging her feet. "I swear to god everything is going wrong."

"Nah we'll be fine." responded Hector, "Though I do agree with Jacob."

"Oh my god just shut the fuck up." Alice groaned, pulling herself off the floor. She walked out as Hector and Nova laughed. She walked outside, where she sat in the sun for a moment, tonight's concert was going to be amazing, she could feel it.


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