I am the monument of all your sins.

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OK SO JUST BEFORE ANYTHING: an incredible person has drawn spider... which makes me wanna cry/scream of joy, so first of all, thank you. And thank you to the commenters, you are the reason this story is continuing on!!

A/N: tw for some violence and bad spelling probably. also not proofread so if you see something, tell me!! 

Chapter inspired by Eaten by Bloodbath. 


(for reference, this is the drum-set Alice uses)

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(for reference, this is the drum-set Alice uses). 

The silence was deafening, Alice was staring at the men in front of her, she pursed her lips under her mask. Everyone was staring at each other... in complete silence. Nova's leg was bouncing up and down nervously, she was sitting on the couch, looking nervously towards Slipknot. Quartz cleared her throat:

"So... uhm... I- I propose that we all keep to one side of the room." She said, Alice nodded, and the men in front of them grumbled in agreement. They took the left side, and Salvation took the right. They left to do their own thing, but in the cramped room, there wasn't enough space for sixteen people to freely move without being in each others face. 

And it very quickly became a problem. Theo started to mutter under his breath as he pushed a guitar case out of his way with his foot. That earned him a glare from the tall black haired man (who's name was apparently Mick Thompson, Quartz had told Alice). He stoically stared at Theo as he continued to complain. But Mick didn't do anything. Yet.

All of Salvation was wearing their mask, and Slipknot wasn't. Alice snapped her head towards them as she heard a loud crashing sound, her cymbals had fallen out of their bag.

Because of who?

Take a wild fucking guess.

Joey. Fucking. Jordison.

He stared at the mess he had caused for a second, before jumping down from the chair he was standing on. 

"Are you serious?!" Alice shouted at him, she walked over to the bags, everyone froze, the tension in the room suddenly spiked, Jim stood up and Spider followed suit, they were all watching the both of them intensely. The red cymbals had spilled out of the bags, and they sprawled all over the floor. Jordison stared at her.

"I'm sorry, I'll pick them up." He grumbled, which surprised her. He knelled in front of her, carefully picking them up. Alice froze as he got them all back in the bag, but they both physically cringed as they heard one of the cymbals scrape the floor. Alice quickly grabbed said cymbal from him, and she posed as she looked at the damage. Jordison looked over her shoulder, she her heard him curse under his breath. 

"For fuck's sake, can't you be a bit careful?" Alice snarled as she stared at the long scrape through the paint. Jordison opened his mouth, presumably to apologise, but Corey interrupted:

"Joey clearly didn't do it on purpose!" 

"I don't think Alice was asking for your opinion Taylor's." Snapped Theo, he crossed his arms across his chest. 

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