You and I both know this ends in blood

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A/N: btw Nova's mask changed! GO CHECK IT OUTTTTT (its on the mask link chapter) And this isn't really a chapter bc of how short it is, im sorry I just finished my exams. 1050 words. 

TW: Violence. No spellcheck. 

Chapter inspired by L'Exile by Regarde Les Hommes Tomber. 


Alice yawned. 

It had been three days since she had parted ways with her boyfriend, and of course she had said goodbye. 

Jacob had also said goodbye to Sid... by clocking the motherfucker in the face. As far as Alice knew, Sid had shit talked Nova, and Nova had been very mature... she texted Jacob instead of reacting. And all while Nova was siting smugly, listening to Sid talk shit... Jacob had appeared behind him. 

And of course it ended up with the two of them brawling, Corey had nearly gotten into it, Quartz had grabbed him and he had sat down again. 

After that, they all got back on the bus and driven away as Jacob literally buzzed with energy. 

Now they were in Illinois (where, Alice didn't have a single fucking clue), and they could breath, tonight they were solo. Which meant that no other band would be running around (except for the opening band, who were a local band). 

Alice stretched her limbs out, she was sitting on a bench, basking in the hot summer sun. 

"Enjoying yourself?" Alice heard Nova ask. Alice looked up towards her percussionist through her black tinted shades, Nova was grinning widely, neon blue and green shades on. Alice studied Nova, she hadn't changed, she was wearing a dark blue crop top, with black shorts... nothing out of the ordinary for her. But something about Nova seemed off.

"I'm slowly turning into a reptile." Alice answered, it was true, she was sitting in the sun, and it felt amazing. 

"I thought Hector was supposed to be the snake in this band." Nova snickered and Alice laughed. Nova joined her on the bench, they both started to talk about random things, from Maze and Spider, to Alice's parents. 

Overall, it was wonderful to have a break from everyone, Alice could finally spend some time with her friends without having to worry about a fight breaking out.

But that peace only lasted for a couple of days. 

Of course, they went to a venue that had Korn playing right before them... and Abyss right after. 


He ignored her.


Alice was about to throttle that man, he was ignoring everyone... then again, everyone was ignoring him too. Including Maze, so as they say in french: "CHEH!!" (some french lingo for you lmao). 

Everything was going perfectly smoothly. But of course... OF COURSE, everything went wrong when a manager walked in the room. He called Quartz over, and as they spoke, Alice tried to read her lips. From what she could understand some band had an issue and Quartz very nicely answered they could room with them. 

Oh god.

If it was Slipknot, ww3 would start.

If it was Abyss.... ww3 would also start. 


Barely five minutes later, Abyss appeared at the door, and Alice flinched on the inside, this was going to get shitty real fast. 

"What the fuck are you guys doing here?!!" Jacob suddenly shouted, making Alice snap her head towards the door.

So it was Abyss. 

"Calm down! There's a maintenance issue in our room and staff told us to come here!" Ames shouted in response... Oh that was going to piss Jacob off, Alice rolled her eyes and turned her hearing aids of, she didn't want to hear it (literally). 

Alice watched as Jacob started screaming, and Matteo started screaming, Quartz quickly moved to talk to Jacob. But Matteo threw the first punch, Alice got up, her hands flew up to her ears, turning the hearings on again. 

Alice doesn't look at the others, she pulls Nova up from the seat, forcing her to help. Jacob of course answered with a punch, and everything fell into a giant fist fight. Until Jacob was knocked back, he stumbled onto the couch right next to Spider, who hadn't moved. 

Spider suddenly got up, making Nova take a step back, and of course, Spider decked Matteo as hard as he physically could. 

And Matteo fell, Alice's eyes widened in horror, Alice was about to tackle Spider, to get him to fucking stop until Maze shouted:

"All of you fucking stop!! Jesus! Can y'all not act like children for once in your goddam lives?! Me and Léo get into a fight and this is how you act?!!"

Alice and Quartz shared a look as they both noticed how much her voice was trembling, the poor girl ran out, presumably to hide or something. 

Alice and Quartz shared another look as Matteo started to grumble and come back to his senses.

"GO AFTER HER!" They both shouted at Spider as he looked at them. He jumped, blinked once, hesitated... and he ran after her.

"Matteo?" Ames was trying to wake her friend up, and Alice knew she didn't want to be there when the motherfucker was going to wake up. 

Alice slipped out of the room as Quartz started to talk with E.J, she didn't want to be here any longer. She was going to go find her boyfriend.


"So... about the interview?" Joey asked as she braided his hair. Alice stopped her movement.

"Well we gotta book it right?"

"Uh.... Shawn booked it already." 

Alice frowned:

"So he really wants to bank on our backs?"

Joey scoffed, but he agreed:

"I can't believe him sometimes, Corey punched him yesterday."


"Yeah, didn't I tell you-"

"Tell me everything!!" Alice sat herself down right in front of him and he laughed. But he obliged:

"Shawn was talking 'bout Stacy and Mick y'know, and then Corey walked in" Joey's bracelets clinked loudly together, "So Shawn started to ask questions about Quartz and all, that pissed Corey off. Corey was all like 'You wanna make money off of us???' And Shawn was like, 'well if I can I will', and Corey got super pissed, and then... well... they insulted each other, Shawn pushed him and then they started to fight." 

"Oh how dramatic." Alice rolled her eyes, but she laughed as she knew how hypocritical that was. "When's our interview?"

Joey quickly glanced at her, he hesitated.

"Uh- well... in twenty minutes?"

"What?!" Alice shouted. 

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